Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Iceberg Pepper (to taste) Radicchio (not needed) ...

chicken breast be thawed and cooked for 10 minutes in water with the onion, celery, parsley and salt. chicken breast of cooled and the skin peeled of. cut meat into thin strips and place it into a half deep casserole dish. marinade whipped together and pour in

Lunch Olive oil Pepper Grated cheese ...

durrumbrødet softened with oil, the rocket will be honored on the bread tomatoes chopped finely and place on. White lies are pressed and distributed over the loaves, the ham is shared over brødne and finally comes the cheese on Brødne bake in an oven v 225 to

Mains Mango chutney Salt Chili powder or cayenne pepper ...

Cut the veal into cubes of 4 x 4 cm. Brown pieces of meat in butter and oil in a sauté pan or in a pan. Season with salt, sprinkle flour and curry powder and grate it in easily. Add the water while being touched. Clean the leeks and cut them then fine. Came th

Soups White pepper Nutmeg Salt ...

Turn the peeled garlic in 1 tbsp. oil for about 3 minutes, without the assumes color. Add the chicken stock and 1 l. water and simmer for approx. 40 min. Parsley chopped and crushed to paste in a mortar with a little coarse salt and 2 tbsp. oil. Save a bit of

Mains Pepper Salt Peel of 1 orange in very fine strips ...

Heat the Canola oil and 1 tbsp of the olive oil in a frying pan. Put the chicken pieces on and rose rapidly until golden. Add the orange brandy and let it cook for 3 min. Sprinkle flour over and let it cook for 2 min. turn down the heat and add the orange juic

Appetizers Salt Lemon juice thereof Completely pressed garlic ...

Heat the oil and mix half of the minced garlic in. Must not become Brown. Add lobster tails and sauté them for a few minutes. Pour piping hot into a dish. Sprinkle with the rest of the garlic and onto with lemon juice. Served with toasted bread with salad a

Cakes in form Olive oil Baking soda Honey ...

Compote: Rinse and cut the rhubarb into roughly 2 cm long pieces. Boil rhubarb with sugar to a close Compote. Keel kompotten of. Preheat oven to 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Butter a springform and sprinkle with flour so that the bottom and sides are covered.

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Coarse salt Yeast ...

Mix together the yoghurt, water and oil and stir the yeast out. Mix durummel with salt and stir it into the liquid. Add the flour and knead the dough well. It must still be sticky. Divide the batter into a baking pan lined with baking paper-with your hands. Co