Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Sauces Chopped tomatoes and fleet Salt Sugar ...

Mix all things and småkog in 20 min. Sounds simple, but tastes great. Tips: served with fresh pasta, fried pastapenn or gnocchi (also see recipe for gnocchi Alla romana)

Mains Pepper Salt Fennel seeds ...

Start with tortillaen. Saute the onion in a little oil in a frying pan so it will be crystal clear. Peel the potatoes and cut them into large cubes, fry a little at a time in the forehead as the onion. Put the potatoes in layers in pan. Whisk the eggs t

Mains A few splashes hot pepper sauce or tabasco Kebabs Coarse salt ...

Mix the ingredients for the marinade. Pat the meat dry and put it in a plastic bag. Pour the marinade in and close the bag. Mariner meat in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Mix the ingredients to relish. Season with salt. Let stand 1 hour at room temperature

Bread, buns & biscuits Fresh rosemary and/or black olives Salt Flake salt ...

Mix the yeast with water, salt, olive oil and durum wheat and stir smooth. Forhæves ca. 30 min., dough beynder to bubble. Add wheat flour and almost everything start to knead the dough. Take the dough out on the table and knead more flour in the dough should b

Soups 2 x 1/4 whips A piece (about 2 cm) ginger in fine cubes Corn flour ...

Onion garlic ginger on low heat in oil, 10 min (do not take color) On water/white wine tomato chili thyme sugar, simmer 20 mins remove the thyme stems (if used fresh) in with the hand blender for soup is smooth 1/4 Whips salt pepper, simmer 5 min Taste for and

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Durummel Lukewarm water ...

turn the oven on 225gr. smuller yeast in a large bowl. pour the water into the bowl and stir. com salt in Bowl and stir. a total of durummelen came in and stir. come little by little wheat flour in and stir while you get the flour and knead the dough well beat

Lunch Olive oil Fresh Kale White wine vinegar ...

Green cabbage is picked, rinsed and wrung free of water. Olive oil and white wine vinegar whipped together with salt and pepper. The dressing poured over the cabbage pg it marinerer for 2 hours.

Lunch Lemon juice Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt ...

Cut the chorizo, onion and Apple into very fine small cubes and toss them in the lemon juice. Chip Walnut kernels, sundried cranberries and chives and toss them roughly in the chorizo mixture with salt and pepper, vinegar and olive oil. Just before serving, in