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Recipes with Olive oil

Lunch Salt Egg yolk Dijon mustard ...

Aioli: Stir egg yolk, salt, vinegar, crushed garlic and mustard together in a bowl. Add the oil under strong whipping, first dropwise in a thin jet. Whip until mayonnaise is thick. Beat and put the quail eggs in boiling water. Let the eggs boil for 3-4 minutes

Appetizers Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Peel the pumpkin and free it for cores. Cut the meat into smaller cubes. The terns are placed in a pan with low heat without the addition of grease or water. They are cooked by very low heat and without lid until all the water is evaporated. The mass must be v

Appetizers Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Clean the mushrooms and remove the stick. Place them on the head of a baking sheet with baking paper. Mix oil, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper to a marinade and brush it on the mushrooms. Put them in the oven for 5-6 min. At 250 degrees. Take out the mus

Appetizers Pepper Salt Onion ...

The sponges are cleaned and cut into slices. Is a card boiled in leachate water. Sieved and poured with ice-cold water. The sponges are thoroughly dried in the kitchen roll. Meanwhile, parsley garlic and onions. The lid is finely chopped and white-laid pressed

Salads A sprinkle ground cinnamon Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Put the lettuce leaves in water for a couple of hours - then they will be really crisp. Cut them into 4 cm wide strips. Stir the dressing together and pour it over the salad, turn around and sprinkle with some sugar.

Salads Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Clean the asparagus and cut them into appropriate slices. Also clean and cut onions and radishes. Whip vinegar together with mustard and add the oil a little at a time. Season with crushed garlic, salt and pepper. Turn the vegetables with the dressing an

Mains Lemon Cream Fresh lovage ...

The lamb broths are rinsed and dried in a cloth. Peel the chopped garlic clove on the forehead of olive oil and pick it up. Put on a plate. The brussels roast on the forehead for 2 - 3 minutes on each side. Take up and place between two plates to keep warm.

Sides Potatoes, washed and cut in both Olive oil Rosemary ...

Turn on the oven at 220 °. Blancher potato boats 2 min. In boiling water, possibly several times. Let them drip a little and spread them in a pan. Bring garlic into a steel cup (dl-measure) and pour the oil over. Gently heat it up on a warm cooktop approx.