Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pepper Salt Sauce ...

Saute bacon, onions and garlic in the oil for a couple of minutes. Add carrots, parsnips, peeled tomatoes, tomato sauce, spices and broth, let it all spin under low approx. 30 minutes. Bechamelsauce: Melt butter in another pot and stir in flour flour. Add t

Soups Ciabatta bread Lemon thyme or tarragon Freshly ground pepper ...

Shake the celery pieces until they are barely tender in a large pan of olive oil. Shake the mushrooms with the last minutes and season with salt, pepper and thyme or estragon. Pour a little green broth in the pan with the sun-dried tomatoes and let it all spin

Soups Freshly ground pepper A little oregano, fresh or dried A little cane sugar ...

Cut the tomatoes in half and shake them quickly in olive oil with onion and garlic. Sprinkle sugar, sprinkle with oregano, lettuce and freshly ground pepper and add broth and artichoke hearts. Heat the sauce through and season well with spices. Cook the pas

Mains Fresh Marjoram or Basil Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut aubergines, courgettes, peppers and onions in a little rough piece. Wrap them in a frying pan with a pair of cloves of garlic. Sprinkle olive oil over, sprinkle salt and pepper on and behind vegetables grew at 235 degrees, 20-25 minutes. Pour all the ve

Soups Eggplant Herbes de provence Onion ...

Put the beans in soft overnight, pour the water and boil them in vegetable broth for about 35 minutes. Cut the peel in both, squash and eggplant in tern and tomatoes in quarters. Mix the vegetables with herbes de Provence, crushed garlic and olive oil. Lay

Lunch Pepper Salt Eggplant ...

Parsley parsley and garlic and mix with parmesan, olives and salt and pepper. Lun and chop the balls and butter them with parsley pesto. Grill the peppers in the oven and peel the skin off. Cut squash and eggplant into slices and flip them quickly on a smok

Lunch Lemon juice Basil Olive oil ...

Lun and chop the ciabatta bread, sprinkle with good olive oil and sprinkle with basil leaves. Remove the outermost leaves on the artichoke by cutting around the bottom. Cut the top off and remove the beard in the middle. Rub with lemon, cut the bottom into

Salads Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Rinse the lenses thoroughly and boil them for 20 minutes in leachate water. Cut the spring bulbs and the sun-dried tomatoes. Peel the carrots, tear them down and cut them into thin slices. Pill the outermost beautiful leaves of the sprouts and half the rest