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Recipes with Olive oil

Sides Fresh basil Balsamic vinegar or other mild vinegar Garlic ...

Peel the tails out of the raw virgin ham and spice easily with salt and freshly ground pepper. The rice paper is softened by dipping them for a short while in hot water, and they are laid close to the lobster tails, cut the tomatoes in thin slices and garlic o

Soups Broth Sour cream Mayonnaise ...

The tomatoes are placed in boiling water for a moment and flattened. The cucumber is peeled and the kernels are removed and blended with onion, pepper, tomato, garlic and paprika in the bouillon. Then stir the 3 milky milk products. Add it with vinegar and

Dressing Pepper Salt English sauce ...

It all comes in a food processor, grind and then boils over low heat for about 1 hour. If you do not own a food processor, you can chop the vegetables in hand, swash them in the oil, pour the peeled tomatoes and spices, add sugar, vinegar, lime juice, English

Dressing EVS. crushed black pepper Salt Chili pepper ...

Pil the onions and cut the peppers free of cores. Put them in a blender with tomatoes, dough, wine and oil. Blend it to a homogeneous lotion and season with salt and possibly. Crushed black pepper.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Sea salt Chopped scallions ...

Turn the meat pieces into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in a pan or on a pan. Remove the pieces of meat, place them in an ovenproof dish and pour the grease off. Add garlic and anchovies, pour wine and let it boil for a few

Mains EVS. ½ red chilli A little milk A little bread crumbs ...

Slowly squeeze and squeeze the squash using a spoon or a small knife. Save a handful of squash meat and chop it well, the rest is thrown out. Stir the chopped ham with a little salt, then add the chopped squash meat, a little milk, eggs, a little rasp, fine

Soups Fresh basil leaves Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

The squash is cut into tern and onion and garlic chopped nicely. Heat a little olive oil in a large pot and sauté onion and garlic until they are golden. Add squash and continue until they start coloring. Pour broth into the pan and simmer for approx. 15 minut

Mains A little grated nutmeg Olive oil Pepper ...

The chopped meat is baked in a pan with half the butter and the chopped onion - stirring almost all the time. After a few minutes pour the white wine together with the mashed tomatoes (or 1 tablespoon tomato paste poured into a cup of water). Salt, pepper and