Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The lice are torn in the meat together with the other ingredients. Stir like small meatballs in a little oil! Put in a fireproof dish, keep warm. Served with spicy potato boats and cold dressing. The potatoes are scrubbed well, cut into both and put in a

Salads Crème fraiche 38% Cucumber Mint, dried ...

Peel the cucumber and tear it on the coarse side of a grater. Put the cucumber in a bowl and sprinkle salt. Stir around and cover with a small dish as pressure. Let the cucumber stand cold for approx. 10 min. Mix youghurt and creme fraiche. Heel the mixt

Salads Cucumber Salt Lemon juice ...

This portion is small and only ranges to one-two people. The yogurt is poured into a coffee filter and dripped off for a couple of hours. This makes the texture thick like the Greek yogurt. The yogurt is poured into a bowl and stirred with lemon juice an

Salads Salt Wine vinegar Salad cucumber ...

The yogurt (3 - 3 1/3 dl) pour into a coffee filter and set for dripping for a few hours - any longer - so the drop can run away. As an alternative to yogurt, quark can be used, which should not be drained before use. Peel the cucumber and tear it on the co

Salads Vinegar Pepper Salt ...

Peel the cucumber. Tear it along. With a teaspoon, the core housing is removed. The cucumber is cut in half-months of approx. ½ cm thickness. Put in a bowl. Salt comes on the cucumbers to pull out the leaves, leave them for about half an hour and pull. A cl

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse sea salt Pepper ...

Sprinkle the steaks with coarse sea salt and freshly ground pepper, then brush with a thin layer of oil so that they do not stick to the grill. The steaks are grilled, depending on the size, for approx. 6 min. On each side until they are medium - let them drag

Mains Pepper Salt Lovage ...

Pour oil and white wine into a pan, the extent of which corresponds to the meat. Bring rosemary, leaf peel, crushed garlic, pepper and salt and cook. Turn down so that the mixture just boils. Pour the meat approx. 5 min., And grill for a couple of minutes. On

Mains Salt Pepper Minced parsley ...

Cut a pocket along the chops. Mix oil with parsley, rosemary, garlic and the sun-dried tomatoes. Add the pepper. Use the bacon nuts, they are first shaken on a pan. Pour off the grease. Fill the mixture into the pocket. Close the opening with a toothed plug.