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Recipes with Olive oil

Lunch Juice of ½ lemon Fresh chopped oregano Garlic ...

Cut the cheese into 1 cm tern and put them in a bowl with the cherry tomatoes. Add oil, garlic, peppercorns, oregano, parsley and lemon juice. Mix it and let it take a couple of hours. Slice cheese and tomatoes alternately on cocktail sticks, 24 in total. Brus

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Boil Tortellini as directed in a pan of boiling letsalted water. Heat a little olive oil in a saucepan and sauté sausage and onion for 2 minutes. Add the cheese and turn with pasta and rucola salad. Season with salt and pepper and server.

Salads Cucumber Olive oil Paradiso palm hearts in rings ...

The cucumber is rinsed, split lengthwise and the kernels removed with a spoon. The cucumber is cut into thin slices and sprinkled with salt. Must stand for approx. 1 hour. The cucumber slices are rinsed in cold water and pressed free of liquid. Ingredients for

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Corn flour cornstarch Nutmeg, freshly grated ...

The chicken fillets are cut into fingerprint strips. The canterelles are cleansed, and the largest are divided into smaller pieces. The bacon is cut into paper-thin strips. Start with the bacon strips that are golden (not brown) in half olive oil and half b

Sides Lemon juice Garlic, crushed Coriander seeds ...

Pour lemon juice, oil, tomato sauce, wine, coriander seed, soup and garlic into a glass bowl and place it in the oven for 2-3 minutes at 100%. Stir well. Add whole mushrooms, salt and pepper, put on low boil and cook for 11 minutes at 100%. Remove the herbs

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little fresh basil A little fresh mint ...

Run all the ingredients for the fry dishes in a food processor. Form the daddy for small meatballs. Step them golden, put on spikes and keep them warm. Chop all the ingredients into the salsa. Mix and stir olive oil. Season with spices and server for the sp

Mains Green bell pepper Olive oil Orange bell pepper ...

Heat the oil and shake finely chopped ginger and garlic with stirring. Add the meat and shake for quite a few minutes. Add the sliced ​​peppers and shake for a few more minutes before sugar and sprouts are mixed by shaking with approx. 1 minute Sprink

Mains Chili sauce Dried chili Olive oil ...

Sweat bacon cut into strips and finely chopped garlic in a little olive oil. Push the spinach leaves free of moisture, chop them roughly and put them in the pan with bacon and garlic. Sprinkle with a little dried chilli, warm it all well and add the rinsed and