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Recipes with Grahams

Lunch Yeast Oatmeal Wheat cores ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl with the lukewarm water, add oil and salt, seal the flour into another bowl. Whole half of the flour in the bowl and stir well for 2 minutes. Then add the ham and stir well in the dough. Then add the thyme and the oreganone, and the

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Mix the three types of flour with salt and oil to a grit lot. Gather the dough with water. Roll out the dough and put it in a pie shape approx. 24 cm. In diamonds. Cut the sausages into slices approx. 1 cm. Thick and slice slices in the margarine. Let t

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Honey Oatmeal ...

The evening before: Stir yeast into cold water. Add salt, oil, honey, oatmeal and flour. Stir it all together. (To be made in a large bowl, as it raises a lot during the night) Cover the dish with household film and place it in the refrigerator overnight.

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Mix the 2 kinds of flour. Findel buttered in it and add cold water and salt. Spread the dough together and let it rest for an hour. Roll out the dough and coat a greased pie with it. Rinse the spinach thoroughly if fresh spinach is used and steam the card

Cakes in form Salt Vanilla Grahams ...

The dry ingredients are mixed together. The "wet ingredients" are mixed together. Both mixtures mix well into a bowl. If desired, add more wheat flour if the dough is too liquid. Put the dough into muffin mold and bag for 20 min at 180 degrees Tip. Use 3

Various Carrot (about 100 g) Large bdt. persiller or stems (about 100 g) Water ...

The parsley is chopped and the carrot is torn. In a bowl stir parsley, carrot, cheese and oil. In another bowl, mix flour and baking soda. Pour the two dishes together and add water. Stir out the dough and divide it into desired pieces. Bake at 175 degree

Bread, buns & biscuits Crushed caraway Wholemeal rye flour Boiling water ...

1 l. Rye flour with 1 liter of boiling water. Set to cool. Then stir approx. ½ l. Yogurt natural. 25 g. Yeast. 2 tablespoons. Salt and 1l coarse rye flour. Tire with back piece and cover so it does not dry out. Let it rest approx. 36 hours v. Room temp.

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg yolk (optional) Hånfuld pumpkin seeds Herbal salt ...

Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water and add the oil. Stir herb salt and flour, but store some of the flour for kneading. Add the grass kernels kneaded the dough and put it on a spelled table. Eat as much flour as it can take without getting too firm and sha