Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Grahams

Bread, buns & biscuits Assorted spices after own desire to sprinkle on flutene Eggs Carrots ...

Swell the milk and dissolve the yeast. Add margarine, salt, sugar and oil and mix this. Mix crushed carrots in and add almost all flour. Add any more during kneading. Raises a covered ½ hour. Formed to 4 flutes. Replies 15 min. Brush with egg and sprinkl

Mains EVS. grated cheese Spice by mood Pepper ...

Mix grahamsmel and wheat flour together with salt. Cut the margarine into small cubes and mash them into flour mixture, with your hands. Bowl of egg yolk and 3 tablespoons of water and knead well. If it feels dry, add 1 tbsp of water. Roll the dough to fit

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Grahams Yeast ...

Dissolve the 25 g of yeast in the 5.5 lukewarm water. Pour all the other ingredients in, in order of succession and stir it together. Put it well together on the table, the dough feels very wet in the beginning, but if you eat it long enough, it will be delici

Bread, buns & biscuits Durummel Water (40 ' hot) Wheat flour ...

Mix all ingredients in a bowl (I use a whipped cream with dough hook) until the dough is smooth (10 min). Let it rise for 1 hour in the bowl covered. Beat the dough and fold it over itself sometimes. Heat the oven up to 40-45 'and let the dough raise in t

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Yeast Salt ...

Pour lukewarm water, yeast and eggs into a bowl. Stir it together. Bring a cup of flour and pour sugar, salt and oil on top. It is pelted together. Pour the rest of the flour in and stir it and then knead it on the table. 200 times The dough is then divided

Base recipes Eggs Salt Oil ...

Everything except wheat flour is stirred together. Wheat flour is added slightly at a time. The dough is rolled out, preferably between 2 pieces of plastic bags or baking paper. The dough is put in lubricated form and dotted with a fork. Additionally, bakin

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Baking paper Grahams ...

Mix the flour, salt, sugar, water and oil in a bowl. The dough is shaped like an elongated French bread and is placed on a piece of baking paper on a baking sheet, brushed with water, sliced ​​garlic on top and sprinkled with grahamsmel. Bake in a hot air

Lunch Salt Milk Water ...

Oil, flour and salt are mixed. Add little water at a time until the dough is collected. Rolled out into the pie dish. Brambles are boiled for 5 minutes in leachate water, said. Eggs and milk are whipped together. The dough is baked for about 5 minutes at 200