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Recipes with Cinnamon

Desserts (warm) Grated orange peel-½ Orange Cinnamon Raisins ...

Butter a baking dish well with butter. Peel the apples and cut them into boats or large cubes. The apples came in a heat-proof serving dish-sprinkle some raisins and grated orange peel over together with sugar and cinnamon. Topping: si flour and sugar int

Cakes in form Blueberry/chocolate/Apple cubes as desired Cinnamon Bicarbonate of soda ...

brown sugar and oil, stir well. Add eggs, one at a time. Spices are mixed in, whereupon melen added. Carrots and blueberries/chocolate/Apple turned into. Tips: Easy for kids to be involved in. Is easy to vary.

Cakes Apple pulp of 4-5 apples Egg white Sugar ...

Wheat flour in which bagepulveret is sighted, and the other ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The dough is divided into two equal parts, which rolled out in ca. 20 cm wide and 35 cm'

Various Garlic powder Paprika Cinnamon ...

The spices are mixed and stored dry. Mix a couple of teaspoons seasoning with lemon juice, olive oil and salt, and use as a marinade. Veg use as sprinkle spice, mix with a little salt

Cookies Chopped almonds grated zest Cinnamon Ground anise ...

Approach: the whole thing is mixed and the dough placed on a baking tray with baking paper, in small blobs. Then the powder on your partner with cane sugar. The bake "up" in the oven at 200 g ...

Breakfast & brunch Cinnamon Lukewarm buttermilk Yeast ...

Udrør the yeast in the lukewarm buttermilk in a large dejskål. Mix sugar and salt with 3/4 of the flour and pour the mixture in the bowl. Knead the mass with dough hooks approx. 3 min. at medium speed or in ca. 10 min. with your hands. Add the rest of the f

Cakes in form Lemon juice Eggs Cinnamon ...

Pastry: mix together the icing sugar and flour. Break up the butter in the dough and gather with the egg. made cold 1/2-1 hour. You can peel the apples while. The peeled apples cut into quarters and carpels are removed. The quartered apples cut into suitable w

Cakes Milk Sugar Wheat flour ...

The milk is poured into a serving dish, and dissolve the yeast in it. Flour and fat are mixed in, and it all kneaded together into a uniform dough, shaped into a ball which rests 2-3 minutes. The ball is pressed flat and rolled or folded out in 60x24 cm, di