Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cinnamon

Cakes in form Chocolate glaze Finely grated shell of an orange Fill and garnish ...

Start melting the butter so it is not too hot when it is in the cake. Add honey, cane sugar, egg and finely chopped orange peel in a bowl. Whip a few minutes with high speed electric whistles. Mix wheat flour with soda, carnations, cardamom and cinnamon. S

Porridge & gruel Cinnamon Milk Salt ...

Make your own escape thus. ½ liter of cream mixed with 1 dl of buttermilk and standing overnight, then you have a nice sour cream sauce ready for cooking. Warm up in a saucepan and pour the butter when piping stir a little flour, salt and milk in a leveling

Cakes in form Milk Apsolie Sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar, baking soda in a bowl. In another bowl mix the fox apple, oil, milk. Turn the flour mixture into the bowl with 'wet' Melt butter in a saucepan and stir in sugar, cinnamon and flour. Fill the muffin molds half with dough, add about a teasp

Cakes Egg white Baking soda Banana ...

Progress 1: Mos bananas. 2: Put the dry ingredients in. 3: Add egg white. 4: Mix it together until it is slightly glued and firm. 5: Make 4, 15-20 cm long sausages. 6: Roll them together, with dough and cinnamon, which are mixed together. 7: Put them in

Desserts (warm) Together the beaten egg Brown sugar Water ...

Shortcrust: Crumble the butter into the flour until it looks like grated cheese. Quickly collect the dough with egg and water. Pour the dough into a square, put it into the film and place it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Cut 2/3 of the dough and ro

Cakes in form Apple sauce Eggs Baking soda ...

Stir the margarine softly. Add sugar and eggs together. Milk, baking soda, cinnamon and vanilla sugar are stirred together and added gradually. Finally add the apple dose. The dough comes in an approx. 18 x 28 cm shape. Bake for 35 - 40 min. In a 200 degree

Cakes Liquid margarine Desiccated coconut Eggs ...

Whip egg and sugar airy. Mix the dry ingredients and turn them into the egg yolks. Add margarine, mustard banana and chocolate and pour the dough into a pan. Bake at 175 degrees for approx. 30 minutes. The dough can instead be divided into 24 muffin molds a

Mains Olive oil for frying Salt Cinnamon ...

Boil the pasta. Chop onion and garlic, chop it in a saucepan with a little olive oil. Add the spices (turmeric, cinnamon and oregano) and season them with tomato sauce with low heat. Peel carrots and tear them well. Cut out the squash. Add the vegetables an