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Recipes with Cinnamon

Mains Avocado Or Fresh coriander ...

Filling: Bring all the stuff in a bowl and set it aside. sauce: Chop the tomatoes and put them in a dish and drain them for ½ hour. Blend all the ingredients. Place the sauce aside. If you make enchilados, get a strip of pâté on each salad leaf. Get so

Desserts (warm) A little icing sugar Salt Water ...

short crust pastry: Margarine crumbles with the fingers in the flour with added salt and sugar. There must be no lumps of margarine left. Gather the dough with the water. Leave the dough in a refrigerator for at least one hour before use. The dairy is taken o

Porridge & gruel Lemon peel Sugar Oatmeal (rice-barley-manna-or buckwheat groats) ...

The buttermilk is heated with a slice of cinnamon and lemon peel and stirring regularly to the boiler. Then grilled rice, barley or buckwheat grains. Cook for 1 - 1½ hours and season with sugar. For this, whipped cream is served.

Pickling Cinnamon Sugar Pitted cherries ...

Bring cherries, sugar and cinnamon into a large bowl. Mix well and place the bowl in the oven without lid for 15 minutes at 100%. Shake and twist the bowl regularly to ensure that the jam is evenly distributed. Pour it on cleaned glass. Allow it to cool

Pickling Cinnamon Lemon juice Sugar ...

Clean the flowers, remove the stones and rub the flowers in quarters. Bring flour, lemon juice, cinnamon and sugar into a bowl and mix well. Place the dish without lid in the oven for 15 minutes at 100%. Shake it several times to ensure that the preparat

Pickling Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Bring all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix them well. Put the mixture in the oven for 10 minutes at 100%. Stir around sometimes. Chutney cooled. It is served for curry dishes. tips: The recipe is intended for microwave with 750 watt power at 1

Bread, buns & biscuits Aniseed, crushed Baking soda Cinnamon ...

The cake form is lined with greased parchment paper. Flour, sugar, aniseed, cinnamon and baking soda are served in a large bowl. The butter is melted for 45 seconds 100%. The milk is heated for 1 minute at 100% and honey and the melted butter are adde

Mains Pepper Salt Red cabbage head, rinsed and cut into fine strips ...

Mix honey, red wine and garlic together and marinate the chops for at least 2 hours. Put the chopped onion in a glass dish with the butter and put it in the oven for 1 minute at 100%. Add red cabbage, apple pieces and cutlet marinade. Cover and increase