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Recipes with Cinnamon

Desserts (patisserie) EVS. 2-3 tbsp. chopped almonds Cinnamon Romessens or 1/2 dl rom ...

Touched dough: The ingredients are stirred together in the order mentioned and divided into 3 greased layer cake molds. Baking time: approx. 10 min. At 225 gr in preheated oven. They are chilled on a grid and put together with apple sauce and chopped al

Soups Some pineapple slices from canned Some mint leaves Cinnamon ...

Wash all the fruits and berries. Peel oranges and lemons with a peel knife. Take half of each of the two kinds of peel and cut them into thin spell (a la julienne). Cut the 2 oranges in both. Take care not to waste any of the juice. Squeeze the juice of ½ lemo

Soups Peel of 1 lemon usprøjtet Cinnamon Vanilla ...

Cut the vanilla bar throughout. Mix the wine, the cinnamon, the vanilla, cut through the lengths, fennel and lemon peel in the saucepan. Heat up and when cooked, take the saucepan off the fire. Let it then pull for 20 minutes, then pour it through a sieve.

Mains A tad marascino or brandy A little sour cream Toothpicks ...

The ham is wrapped in aluminum foil, put in the preheated oven and fry approx. 2 hours at 180 ° C. Inject honey, coffee and spices for 10 minutes. Over low flare to an icing. When the ham has fried for 2 hours, take it out of the oven, open the foil, and fry t

Pickling Atamonpulver or 2 tsp. liquid atamon Vinegar Cinnamon ...

The berries are rinsed, stoned and placed in a jar of sugar and spices. The vinegar is poured over and kept cold. Atamon is added and stirred at intervals for a few days until the sugar is melted. The jar is covered with a cloth and closed the following day. T

Desserts (warm) EVS. Cognac Icing sugar Cinnamon ...

Peel the pineapple and cut it into slices. Remove if necessary. stick. Place each slice on a large piece of aloe oil, big enough to reach the pineapple slice. Sprinkle the slices of flour and a little cinnamon and fold the foil around them. Grill the slices

Drinks (warm) Cinnamon Hot milk Strong coffee ...

Pour the cinnamon into the coffee filter with coffee beans and then brew a good strong coffee. Put 2 pieces of raw sugar in each cup. Pour coffee and milk in and enjoy the drink!

Cakes Whipped cream Eggs Cinnamon ...

KAGE: melt butter and syrup in a saucepan. Mix the other ingredients together in a bowl and pour the hot mixture in. Stir well. Pour the dough into an oblong form. Bake the cake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees (ordinary oven). PICTURE: Lay 65 g of M & M a