Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into slices of about ½ cm. thickness and share them on the middle. Turn the pieces of meat in the beaten eggs. Then reversed in the flour. The oil heats and Brown the meat in the pan. Then take it off and onion, Curry and pressed garlic FRY. Tomat

Mains Pepper Salt Herpes de provence ...

The mallet is rubbed with salt, lubricated into mustard and seasoned with Herpes de Provence. Put in a roasting pan and pour in the broth. Made in a preheated oven at 180 ° c for about 1 hour (possibly in the roast with a kødnål Connector at the thickest point

Mains Crushed juniper berries Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Pus animal Mallet of of membranes, it is done with a very sharp knife. Butter with margarine round on køællen, and favor the excess margarine as small blobs on the mallet. Spiced with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries. Put the mallet in a greased bak

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Slice the breast legs into pieces and boil them together with a soup may or soup herbs and a little water to a strong broth. Brown butter to the sauce in a pan, came the flour in and afbag with broth. Let the sauce cook thoroughly and babies with the cream.

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Animal meat is brown in the Pan in abundant foaming butter. Then sprinkled with salt and pepper, and add broth as well as button 1/4 l cream. Animal shoulder fry over low heat for about 1 1/2-2 hours. Take the flesh up. Add a small glass of port wine or che

Mains Salt Vinegar 3% Crushed spices (black-and white pepper-Juniper-Marjoram-Basil-Sage-1 Laurel leaf-5 grain English pepper) ...

The marinade boil and cool. The meat in the Pan and is layered in 3 days, turn over from time to time. After 3 days take the meat out of the marinade and wipe. 100 gr. small, long strips of fresh pork blended in the meat in, ca. 3 cm distance. Sprinkled wit

Mains 2-3 tbsp. port wine Meljævning Pepper ...

Dry the cleaned forest pigeons. Melt the FAT to the forcemeat into a saucepan. Com French bread, mushrooms, onion, parsley and it diced or fintsnittede giblets (if giblets haves) i. Sauté it well together. Cool slightly and stir in the spices, eggs and possibl

Sides Oil Small chili pepper Curry ...

Chop finely and saute the chilipeberen in fat along with curry powder in a saucepan. Add the rice and toast mixture easily. Pour the broth by, fade the heat and put a lid on. Cook rice approx. 20 minutes (see the cooking instructions on the package). Tip