Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Appetizers Dill Pepper Parsley ...

Break off tails and give them a rehash of approx. 1 min. arrow them. Melt smørren and Brown shells, heads, onions, lauerbærblade and thyme. Curry, paprika and concentrated tomato puree added with white wine and broth. It boils well ½ hour. Term Fund in a

Mains Oil for Browning Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in the oil in frying pan or saucepan, then Brown the other ingredients, except beans and broth. The sauce tasted to (with care;-)) it all passed down in the roaster, and wetted the Court concludes with a lid of beans, doused with the broth. 1 1/

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Broth ...

Blend onion, broccoli, broth, eggs. Mix the mass with father and pepper. Mel came in as needed. Rose on the forehead as regular meatballs. Tips: This recipe is good for all who do not like vegetables. We use it often to children. You can also use the

Mains Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Cut the meat into strips, approximately velafpudsede. 5 cm. long. Chop the onions. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into quarters. Brown the meat in browned butter by excessive heat. Then take the meat up the pan. Brown the onions, and now came the meat back i

Mains Cream 13% Garlic Onion ...

Rub the meat with salt and garlic and place it on the grate over the saucepan. Brown the roast about 15 minutes at 225 degrees. Dim set by oven heat to 100-120 degrees c. alm. oven. Got a shared onion, red wine and broth in saucepan. Fry the meat 1 ¾-2 hours f

Soups Pepper Salt Celery ...

Saute garlic and onion in butter. Pour the broth and add the finely chopped vegetables. Cook until it is tender and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Serve with sour cream.

Mains 1.5 dl. sour cream 3 tbsp. Sherry Pepper ...

Cut the meat into strips, approximately velafpudsede. 5 cm. long. Chop the onions. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into quarters. Brown the meat in browned butter by excessive heat. Then take the meat up the pan. Brown the onions, and now came the meat back i

Mains Salt Dijon mustard Small can of madagascarpeber ...

Form the meat into four/beefburgers. Pour væden from peppercorns and mash them a bit with a fork. Butter pepper on both sides of the steaks and fry them in the butter and oil in a frying pan. Take the steaks of, pour the fat from the Pan, and boil it with brot