Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Sides Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Place them in a greased dish layered together with the finely chopped onion, a little salt and pepper. Now pour the broth and Carlsberg Elephant-bajer. Advantage about 20 grams of butter in small BLOBs all over

Sauces EVS. 100 g beef marrow. Salt Bay leaf ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Rinse the parsley and thyme and bind it together with bay leaf. Bring the red wine to a boil, Cook the onion and herb bouquet in and cook ahead for good heat without a lid, for there are about half back. Melt butter, stir

Soups Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Cut the spring onion or Leek small print out Cut the carrot into slices Cut the onion into small dice Share the tomatoes and cut them small print out Sauté the vegetables in butter, sprinkle flour over and add the broth. Let it simmer in my 20-30.

Mains Fresh parsley Suit Pepper ...

Studded cut into cubes and melted and they swept Partridge Brown herein. The cut vegetables in and Brown, after which the garlic, parsley, wine and broth are added along with salt and pepper. Put a lid on the pot. Let agerhønsene småstege in about 1 hour.

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

The chicken fried in the oven for approx. 40 min., if desired. Ben and skins removed. Mushroom Sauté and grapes in a thick-bottomed pan. Add the broth. Let it boil up. then with corn flour Levelled. Season with salt and pepper. Sugar peas are served to. Server

Mains Broth Water Pepper ...

Kyllingfileterne lubricated with a very thin layer of dijon mustard and pressed garlic. Fry the fillets on a dry pan until they are golden and through fried. A few minutes before they are done is sprinkled with salt and pepper and the juice of a squeezed lime

Mains White and or roasted potatoes Coleslaw with lemon cream Pepper ...

Dry the ducks inside with paper towel. Set of thighs and wings up with skewers. Brown ducks and innards in Golden fat in a saucepan. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Add the broth and half of the cream. Drizzle the rest of the cream over duck breast on and of

Mains White pepper Pepper Salt ...

Cook rice approx. 10 min. in the broth. Let kantarellerne drain-take some pieces from for garnish-cut the rest into thin slices. Arrow and chop the onions. Take slice into cubes, FRY in a pan. Saute the onions and butter by came herein. Add the sliced chant