Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Drinks (cold) Juice of 3 lemons Lemon peel Whipped cream ...

Water, sugar and lemon peel boil 5 min., Foamed. The lemon peel is removed. The lemon juice is stirred. The pulp is frozen for 2 hours with regular stirring. The wine is stirred in. The pulp is again frozen for 3 hours with stirring every hour. Shortly before ...

Drinks (warm) Apple juice Lemon White wine ...

Apple cheese and wine are mixed with sugar and heated to 60 g. Do not boil. In each glass, a paper-thin slice of lemon is placed without cores. The hot punch is sprinkled fine with stewed musk and poured up....

Desserts (warm) ROM or about 1 teaspoon. romessens Pancakes Sugar ...

The apples are rinsed, peeled and divided. Flower, stem and core house are cut away. The apples are cut into cubes that are shaken for a few minutes in melted butter. Sugar, currants, nuts and rum are added.

Fill in 10-12 pancakes, rolled together over the ...

Desserts (warm) Apples Powdered sugar Vanilla ...

The dough is stirred together as a pancake pie. It is baked in a greased pan or pan-pan. Only pour a little dough into the recesses. Place a raw apple and cover with dough before turning the stains and baking light brown on both sides. They serve warm with sug...

Mains Sugar Salt Apples ...

The apples are rinsed, divided and cut into cubes without a core housing. The apples are lightly sprinkled with butter on the forehead until golden and half-lubricated. The omelette dough is whipped together and poured over. The omelette is stiffened over low ...

Desserts (cold) Vanilla Water Sugar ...

The apples are washed, peeled and halved. The core house is removed. The sugar is melted into light brown caramel in a thickened pot. The pot is removed from the fire. Gently stir 1/4 liter of boiling water. The apples are barely boiled in the caramel sauce an...

Desserts (cold) Oil, coconut oil or raffinol to boiling Eggs Lemon juice ...

The flaky, peeled apples are freed for flower and stalk. The core housing is drilled out. The apples are cut into 1 cm thick slices and brushed with lemon juice to avoid getting dark.

Flour, baking soda and spices are sieved together and stirred for equal...

Desserts (cold) Apples Vanilla Breadcrumbs ...

The apples are rinsed, peeled and divided. Cereal, flower and stem cut. The apples are cut into thin boats. Half put in a refractory, greased dish, sprinkle with the raisins and half of the dough, almonds and raspberries. The rest of the apples are laid over a...