Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Salads Pepper strips or parsley Oil Boiling water ...

Veal and apples with peel are cut into cubes and mixed with coarse celery. Oil and vinegar are shaken together. Spices melt in boiling water and added. The marinade poured over the salad, which draws 1/2 hour and is decorated with pepper and parsley....

Salads Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Whipped cream Mayonnaise ...

Mayonnaise is seasoned with lemon juice and mixed with whipped cream whipped cream.

Washed apples and celery cut into cubes mixed with coarse-walnut walnuts, halved grapes and mayonnaise.

Save a little whole walnuts and grapes to decorate....

Salads Sugar to taste Apples Grated horseradish ...

Peeled apples cut into smaller pieces and boil for mash. This is flavored with grated horseradish and possibly. sugar. The moss is decorated with planed horseradish and is used as a garnish....

Salads Blue grapes EVS. 1 bulb EVS. 125 g mayonnaise ...

The fruits are rinsed thoroughly. Grapefruit is shared. The meat is loosened everywhere from the shell with a grapefruit knife. Grapefruit meat mixed with half orange boats, banana leaves and raw apples and pears. Sugar is sprinkled over. The salad draws 1/2 h...

Salads Orange Fresh peppers Grapefruit ...

Salad leaves are cut into strips. Grapefruit and orange peeled, divided into both pieces and cut into slices. Grapefruit thorns are removed. The apples are washed, divided and cut into cubes. The bell pepper rods are rinsed and cut. The peppers are split into ...

Cold cuts Hard boiled eggs Sweet mustard Sausage, herring ...

Spegesilden flies, cut into fillets, freeze for bones and chopped fine. Potatoes, beetroot and asia are chopped a bit coarser than the herring. The apples are torn on the raw iron. Everything is mixed with a fork and seasoned with spices. The salad is decorate...

Cold cuts Cress Sugar Apple ...

Flourskum is flavored with beetroot vinegar and spices. The filling is cut into fine strips, mixed and turned gently into the whipped cream. The salad is adorned by the carnation....

Salads Apple Banana Green bell pepper ...

The peppers are smashed in the middle. Stilke and cores are removed. The shells are flushed. The apple is washed, divided. Core house, flower and stem removed. The apple and the peeled banana are cut into cubes, mixed and poured with mayonnaise, flavored with ...