Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Salads Apples, Red Ymer naturel Sugar ...

Sugar and yams are mixed together.

Celery and apple rifts roughly directly into the bowl and turns into marinade.

If you have an extra apple with a red-red shell, it can be cut in both and put as a decoration....

Mains Green grapes Pepper Juice of lemon 1/2 ...

The calf fillet is split lengthwise and then cut into 8 small chops, knocked, baked in fat, seasoned and fry. The warm soup is added to the house blast, done and sliced, after which 8 flat beans are covered in the bottom with 1 tablespoon. soup. When this is s...

Salads Apple Boiling water Red cabbage ...

The lemon marijuana is mixed and poured into a bowl. The apple tears directly into the bowl and then the raw red cabbage. The salad is mixed with a fork....

Salads Dill or Cress Whipped cream Sugar ...

Lemon juice and sugar are mixed in a bowl. The cleaned peeled herbs and fruits are roughly torn on the roast straight into the bowl. Mix the salad with a fork, cover and cool. Just before serving, mix mayonnaise and whipped cream together and gently stir the s...

Salads EVS. 100 g mayonnaise or 1 1/2 dl whipping cream Cress Apple ...

This salad can be varied by adding different marine veins. Apple and horseradish rip directly into the lemon marijuana to avoid getting dark. The finely chopped cabbage is mixed in and the salad is spiced with a crème. The lemon marijuana may Add mayonnaise or...

Salads Or Apple Carrot ...

The herbs are cleaned and scrapped, if necessary. The apple is washed. Vegetables and fruit are torn on the coarse griddle or on the griddle machine straight into a bowl of lemon marinade. The salad is mixed with a fork and served immediately....

Salads Apple Onion Carrot ...

The rosacea is cleansed and cut into small pieces. The carrot and celery slice are peeled and cut into small squares together with the apple. The lid is peeled and chopped. Everything is mixed with a fork. The mayonnaise is stirred in. The salad is seasoned....

Salads Green salad leaves Red Apple Wine vinegar ...

The mushrooms are made and shared. The roast was cut by the Christmas salad, cut into centimeters of pieces. The strips are rinsed and shaken dry. The apple is washed and cut into cubes without a core housing. All mix with a fork, turn into mayonnaise that is ...