Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Curry, madras ...

The onions are chopped, carrots cut into slices, cabbage and peppers are cut well.

If it is not lean meat, it can be switched or grilled first, so the grease melts off.

The onions are cooked ready in the bouillon. Add meat, rice and spices and finally br...

Sauces Pepper Salt Oil ...

The rucola is blended with oil, salt and pepper and possibly. Eight slipped almonds. It all is served on the plate with the salad and pesto over....

Appetizers Mixed green salads with good colors Mill pepper Toasted bread or baguettes ...

The salads are rinsed and freeze for coarse stems. The tomato is rinsed and freed for cakes, tomato meat strips. The apple and belseller angel are rinsed, freeze for threads, peel and apples, cut into fine tern and enter the skinny milk product. Capers and fin...

Mains Fat Little bit salt Water ...

Put both kinds of flour in a bowl and beat the eggs one by one. Then add milk, water and salt. Whip the dough until it is uniform. Let the dough rest for 2 hours or overnight.

Grease the pancake pan with the grease and put it on medium heat. Melt the butter...

Soups Fresh chopped Basil as a garnish Pepper Salt ...

Pour the olive oil into a large pan, add the chopped onions and let them fry until they are soft. Add the garlic and simmer with approx. 1 minute.

Add fennel, courgette, tomatoes and basil. Stir well, turn to medium heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes while sti...

Mains Cambolefrugt Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are cleaned and cut into not too small pieces and shaken easily on the forehead. Place the vegetables (except mushrooms) at the bottom of a refractory dish and put the fish over and finally the mushrooms. Overdo it all with a ½ bottle of white w...

Dressing White ground pepper Salt Dill ...

The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with horseradish, salt and pepper. Pull 2-3 hours before serving....

Sides Freshly ground pepper Salt Minced kidney count or 120 Gr. greve fat (without Greaves) ...

Blend oatmeal easily into some kind of coarse flour. Melt count or grease in a very hot pot, turn down the heat and season the onions golden. Stir the oatmeal and stir the mass with stirring for 6-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Squeezed together an...