Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Freshly ground black pepper Olive or other oil Salt ...

Dissolve the french breadcrumbs in the milk and then wipe them dry for milk. Then mix it into a large bowl of bread, spicy egg, beef and pork tenderloin, parmesan cheese and finely chopped parsley with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, garlic, lemon peel, almonds, sa...

Appetizers Water Bay leaf Salt ...

Put the olive oil, water, lemon juice, crushed garlic, bay leaf, pepper and salt over boiling in a small saucepan. Let it boil for even heat for approx. 15 minutes. Put the marinade and pour it back into a pan, now add the mushrooms and let them spin in the ma...

Mains Freshly grated Parmesan cheese Water and salt to boiling the noodles Whipped cream ...

Stir the butter softly into a bowl and add the whipped cream gradually, while adding the butter and whipping cream add the 100 grams. The reindeer parmesan then put the bowl aside, until they use the butter for admixture in the fat vaccine.

To be sure to se...

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Wheat flour Salt ...

The baked veal fillets are seasoned with salt and pepper, turned into flour. 2 tablespoons. Butter and 3 tbsp. Olive oil is heated on the pan until the butter is brushed off. Put the calf fillets on and brown them for approx. 3 minutes on each side. Take them ...

Sides Black pepper Sugar Tynsnittet onions ...

Heat the oil in a large thickened pot, pour the bulbs and let them spin by not too hot and stirring for 2-3 minutes.

When the bulbs are transparent, but not brown, they pour the cabbage together with tomatoes, vinegar, salt and pepper. Leave the whole small...

Mains A little extra butter for use in the gratineringen Finely chopped garlic Franskbrøds crumbs ...

Preheat the oven to 210 degrees.

Choose an oven-proof dish or refractory serving dish that is large enough to accommodate oysters in a layer. Grease the dish.

In a large pot they leave 2 tbsp. Sprinkle off, pour the fresh French breadcrumbs together with...

Desserts (warm) Egg yolks Sugar Unsalted butter ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.

Peel the peaches, 2 at a time in boiling water for approx. 20 seconds, pick them up with a casing, put them in cold water and gently peel off the skin with a sharp knife. The peaches are divided in half, the stone is removed...

Base recipes Water Salt Corn flour ...

In a thick pot, they bring the salted water to the boil. Pour the corn flour slowly into the boiling water with stirring and without boiling the water. When all the flour is mixed and it has formed a smooth porridge, they screw down for heat and let it smack f...