Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Freshly ground pepper to taste Salt Dried chili pepper ...

Scrub the potatoes and boil them in well-salted water. Pour the water from the halves and put them in a serving dish. Knus garlic chopped chilipeber and cumin seeds, mix with salt and peppers and stir in vinegar and oil. Season with pepper and pour over the po...

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Cardamom to taste Salt ...

The yeast is stirred in the water. The margarine is melted and added at hand-warmed temp. Sugar, salt, cardamom and eggs are mixed with the other ingredients. There is a good deal. Then add the nuts. The different kinds of flour and wheat kernels are weighed a...

Mains 5 grain pepper Citrus spice FAT (for frying) ...

Put potatoes or rice over. Step the meat into the fat (remember to spice) Take the meat off the pan & amp; Cook the pan with cream and add 3-4 pieces of chopped sun-dried tomato.

The Mediterranean salt must be in the mill, like 5 cereal sprouts. The ...

Appetizers Pepper Salt Grated onion ...

The tuna and prawns are drained and the tuna is poured into a spacious bowl. Whip the cream to a firm foam. Blended house blossom approx. 5 minutes.

The bowl of tuna is added to mayonnaise, creme fraiche, lemon juice, grated onions, caviar, dill salt and pe...

Mains Peeled/diced tomatoes Oil Spices (oregano – Basil-thyme-garlic or chili all can be used) ...

The tomatoes may Blend, otherwise all ingredients should only be mixed....

Lunch (to go) Salt Durum wheat flour Yeast ...

Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water and add flour and salt. Peel the dough and let it rise and cover for half an hour.

Sprinkle flour on the table. Divide the dough into two equal pieces. Turn the air out of the dough and shape it to 16-24 bowls. Place t...

Lunch Cauliflower or broccoli Dill Wheat flour ...

Put the oven at 200 degrees C. Mix eggs, flour and milk together in a bowl and whisk them together. Put ham, dill, garlic, carrot, salt and pepper. Find a muffin (or other similar) and pour the egg in the muffin ingredients. (Pour only half as they raise) Put ...

Cakes Sugar Deep frozen raspberries or strawberries Strøget TSP. baking soda ...

Whip egg and sugar into very thick and light froth. Sieve flour, baking soda and vanilla sugar in and turn it gently into the egg mixture with a spoonful. Wide the dough onto a large paper size throughout the baking tray size. Bend the edges well and sprinkle ...