Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Dry lemon (25 cl) Egg liqueur ...

Fill a highball glass of ice and pour it all in. Stir around for a while and serve....

Soups Pepper Salt Celery ...

Place the chicken in a pan of water that covers and slowly bring it to a boil. Make the vegetables ready. Peel carrots, parsnips, parsley and celery. Rinse the pores thoroughly and cut them in the rings. Foam the soup carefully and add salt, whole peppercorns,...

Soups EVS. 1.5 dl sour cream Pepper Red or green bell pepper ...

The meat is cut into cubes and wrapped in the margarine. Bacon cut into cubes, onions in both, and both switched with.

The tomatoes are scalded, flaked, cut into both and added together with garlic, spices and water together with the butter. The soup cooks ...

Drinks (cold) Crushed ice Egg white Icing ...

Bring the fine crushed ice into the glass so that it forms a round top. Pour lemon juice and egg white, chicory and gin in a shaker and shake vigorously until it's goblet. Pour the drink over the broken ice. Decorate with a slice of orange...

Mains Anchovy fillets Lemon slices Fine salt ...

Bank the calveschnitzels so that they are uniformly thin, but never so thin that holes go.

Whip the egg into a deep dish and turn the schnitzler into it.

Then turn the schnitzler into salt and pepper mixed rasp and place them on a spoonboard for 5 minute...

Mains Pepper Salt White wine. dry ...

Sweat bacon in butter. Add the pepper and some salt. Pour white wine and cream in and leave it to stand and small for approx. 5 minutes

Boil the pasta. Mix pasta and sauce and add parmesan cheese. In the end, the two egg yolks are turned into the sauce....

Mains Bay leaves Salt Roast pork ...

Rub the corn with salt, make sure that salt comes into the spaces by the sword, otherwise it will not be crisp. Season with pepper and put some laurel leaves between the more difficult.

Put the steps in an oven on the grate over a large ovenproof dish with ...

Mains Chili pepper Olive oil Squeezed lemon ...

Start in the evening to put chickpeas in soft.

The next morning pour the water and let them germinate. At the same time, the sunflower seeds are softened.

At noon you start making falafel's father. That is, blend it all except parsley. Form them as littl...