Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (warm) Lactose free margarine Cardamom Sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar and cardamom. Whip the thin Nutramigen mixture (6-8 goals Nutramigen dissolved in the 3-4 dl water) for a little while at a lump-free dough. Whip egg in. Melt the margarine on the pan and pour it into the dough. The grease to the baking is mel...

Pickling Tarragon Lage made Cute blue plums ...

Sweet blue plums are cut and cut into thin boats, poured into warm make made of 0.75 L vinegar (like white balsamic vinegar if you can afford it or Chardonnayeddike), 400 g sugar, juice plus shell of 3-4 limes, 2 spice , Little estragon Can for example. Add fr...

Pickling Cumin seeds Lemon Onion ...

Cut the tomatoes in quarters, cut the flour into smaller pieces, chop onion and garlic. Wash the lemon and cut the yellow spoon thinly, squeeze the juice. Boil all ingredients with low heat approx. 1½ hours for the relish gets a mushy consistency. Season with ...

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

The cabbage is cut well. Bacon cut in ½ cm. Thick slices and brune in a large pot. Picked up by the pot gradually. When all bacon is browned, the finely chopped cabbage is poured into the pan and browned gradually until it collapses.

When the cabbage is tur...

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The onions are cut into cubes and browned in the butter. Cut the meat into large pieces of finger and turn into the flour with spices and brunes. Soup, tomato purée and cream come in and the pot is exposed to mild heat for 15 minutes. After which the ripened m...

Mains Wheat flour to jævning Paprika Pepper ...

Clean the liver for barriers and ages and cut it into fingerprint strips. Put it in cold water approx. 10 min. Let it drip on the kitchen roll. Cut the chopped onions in rings and grate them lightly into broth in a saucepan. Sprinkle the liver strips with the ...

Mains Suit Paprika Pepper ...

Mix the meat with finely chopped onions and stir well with eggs, rasp and water or Danish water. Season with salt, pepper and possibly. paprika.

The cabbage is halved and the stick is cut out. The leaves are peeled apart, boiled in low salt water until they...

Cold cuts A few drops of lemon juice Mackerel in tomato or sardines Sandwich bread ...

Pour the liquid from the fish and mash it with a fork. Mix mayonnaise and cream fraiche and stir it with the fish. Season with lemon juice. Fill the mixture into the bread....