Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

A good crisp hard is available if you scratch the tail narrowly, with ½ - ¾ cm, space. The salt draws the water out of the bacon, which makes it more crispy.

Lay the ladder with the sword down in a small pan. Pour boiling water on, so the hard is just cover...

Mains Neck Organ meats from other Suit ...

Thaw someone else in the fridge for 2-3 days. Remove the infant bag and the fat cream. Cut the fat glands off the gump, or cut it completely and use it for the cloud. Cut off the wing tips.

Wipe the bird in and out with a kitchen roll. Rub it in and out wit...

Cookies Cinnamon, ground Almonds, peeled Pearl sugar/tesukker ...

Chop the butter in pieces. Mix baking powder in the flour and put it in the bowl, along with sugar and eggs. Enjoy it easily. Sprinkle flour on the table and knead the dough until it is completely even. Put the dough in the fridge, like the night.

Sprinkle ...

Cookies Icing sugar Butter Wheat flour ...

Cut the butter into pieces and pour flour and sifted flour in. Easily put it together in the bowl. Sprinkle flour on the table and knead the dough until it is completely even.

Roll the dough into bars (4-5 cm in diameter) and style them cold, like the night...

Mains Pepper Salt Small cauliflower head ...

Brown the meat in the grease in a saucepan. Add potatoes and carrots and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour broth on Let it spin under the lid for approx. 40 min. Divide the cauliflower head into bouquets and put them in the pan and let it spin about 5 min. Y...

Mains 2 cloves garlic Pepper Salt ...

Cut chicken breast into strips and grease it in oil. Clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Put them in the oil, along with the chicken breast. Add broth and simmer for 10 minutes. Foam, if any. Impurities of the soup. Add the paste and simmer th...

Soups Lemon juice Minced parsley Pepper ...

The bacon is shaken in a pan, add onion and garlic, fry until ready.

Then add the mushrooms. When the liquid is almost evaporated, add the flour, stirring well in this bowl until the flour is soaked with the fungus mixture.

Broth is added. The soup is bo...

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The pasta is boiled for 10 minutes. Then cut the sausages and onions into small slices. It is cooked together with salt, pepper and paprika. Then mix tomato paste and ketchup as desired and mix it with the cooked pasta. A fast and easy dish that tastes good....