Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (cold) Season to taste with sugar Vanilla pod Whipped cream ...

Whip 2 1/2 dl whipped cream for foam and mix with 1/2 ymer. Season with sugar and add vanilla.

Stir 3 leaves smoothly melted hand warmed house blower. Add the sliced ​​hp. almonds.

Pour strawberry compot or whatever you choose in a cabbage, pour the dess...

Mains Cinnamon Saffron Lemon ...

Wash and remove membranes around the testicles. Step gently on both sides. After the butter is absorbed add the chopped onion, a little cinnamon and a little saffron. Add the juice of the half lemon and the meat.

Cooking time approx. 15 minutes.

Serve wi...

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Salt Light wine vinegar ...

Melt the margarine and stir the flour into Add the soup gradually and whip the sauce well through. Add the estragon, salt, pepper and vinegar, let the sauce boil for a couple of minutes. And taste it. Stir the egg yolks with a little salt. Beat a little hot sa...

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Almonds Sugar ...

Bring the prunes into a greased ovenproof dish and sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Chop the 25g of almonds roughly and sprinkle them on the sauces. Chop the rest well and mix them with the flour. Whip the egg yolks well with the sugar. Mix the almonds in. W...

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Large macaroons Whipped cream ...

Peel the apples, divide them in half, remove the kernel. Boil sugar and water together to make and add the vanilla. Bring half the apples and boil them with mild heat until they are tender. Let them swallow in the law.

Adjust the apples portionwise.


Desserts (cold) Roughly chopped lemon balm. (fresh) Dark chocolate, roughly chopped Icing sugar ...

Place the strawberries in a bowl of sugar and vodka (do not sail). Shall be left cold for 3-4 hours until they become syrupy.

Flour the whipped cream with flour sugar. Sprinkle chopped chocolate....

Desserts (cold) Sugar Vanilla Egg yolks ...

The macros are crushed easily and distributed at the bottom of a bowl or serving glass. The wine is dripped over, egg yolks, vanilla and sugar whipped to a smooth white "egg snap". The cream is whipped stiff and turned in. Half of the cream is poured over the ...

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Buttermilk Almond pulp ...

The fruits are cut out and divided into an elongated dish.

The cream is whipped very stiff with vanilla and sugar. The buttermilk is reversed in the whipped cream.

On a hot pan, almonds and hazelnuts roast with sugar to the sugar caramelize.

The cream...