Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Coarsely chopped almonds Aromatic apples ...

Tear the apples roughly and mix with almonds and chocolate. Whip the cream stiff, turn the apples in.

Server in serving glass with almond rice....

Cakes in form Maltøl el hvidtøl. Baking soda Ground ginger ...

Flour, spices, baking powder and dough stir together well, stirring eggs, then malt flour (slightly at a time) until the dough is light-flowing. Poured into a greased form approx. 20x30 cm. Bake at 175 degrees (not hot air oven) for approx. 40 min.


Desserts (cold) Season to taste with sugar Whipped cream Water ...

Peel the apples and cut out the core boxes. Cut the apples into pieces and put them in a pan of water and vanilla sugar. Give them a boil and then cook them gently until they mash completely. Stir in them occasionally so they do not burn. When the...

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Stir the chops a couple of minutes, on each side in crispy margarine. Put each cutie on a piece. foil. Cut onions, peppers and mushrooms in slices and wrap them in the rest of the fat. Distribute it to the chops. Put ½ tomato and a little cut parsley on each c...

Cakes in form Sugar Apples Margarine ...

Peel the apples and share them in both. Put them in a greased oven dish and sprinkle some sugar on (depending on the acidity of the apples).

Stir the margarine in the flour, mix with the sugar and sprinkle the mixture over the apples. Bag the cake approx. 3...

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Wheat flour ...

Stir yeast with the water. Add margarine, salt and flour. Eat the dough well. Divide the dough into 6 pieces. Roll them to buns that are pressed flat (about 9 cm in diameter). Tap them with a fork. Brush them with poached eggs. Let them raise a covered spot 10...

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Margarine ...

Stir the yeast in lukewarm water. Add the rest, but only half of the flour. Bring the dough together and gradually knead more flour until the dough drops. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts and roll them to oblong bread, approx. 15 cm. long. Brush them with e...

Mains Neck Giblets from the goose Suit ...

Thaw the goose into the refrigerator for 3-3½ days. Remove the infant bag and the fat cream. Cut the fat glands off the gump, or cut it completely and use it for the cloud. Cut off the wing tips. Wipe the bird in and out with a kitchen roll and rub it in and o...