Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Cakes in form Water Brown sugar Biscuit ...

Tærtedej: mix the flour and sugar, crumble the margarine into the mixture with your fingers (or double-click it in the kitchen machine). The dough come together with a bit of water and work through. Line a greased pie dish with the, prick it with a fork and st

Bread, buns & biscuits Syrup Boiling water Cracked wheat kernels ...

The cracked wheat kernels over poured with the boiling water and allow to stand overnight (preferably at least 10 hours). The lukewarm water add the soaking down wheat grains and yeast in friable. Butter (cut into small slices) and the other ingredients are

Cakes in form Ground ginger Baking soda Ground cinnamon ...

Mix the flour, baking powder and spices in a bowl. Got butter, brown sugar, syrup, milk and eggs in a pan and warm it up under stirring for the butter is melted. Pour it into the dry ingredients and stir the dough together. Divide the batter into 15 molds and

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Preheat oven to 200 degrees C. chop the cabbage coarsely. Brown cabbage (a little at a time) in the butter until it becomes soft and golden brown. It takes about ten minutes. Season to taste with syrup, vinegar, salt and pepper. Stir in onion, rice, eggs, m

Cakes in form Icing sugar Almond essence Margarine ...

Mix together melted margarine and sugar and syrup together. Came the other ingredients in. Dough in pie bottoms moulds and bake approximately 15 minutes at 200 degrees c. Can also be met together in a baking pan and bake at 210 degrees C for about 30 min

Desserts (cold) Vanilla ice cream Butter Whipped cream ...

Cut ice cream into slices and place it on a platter. Melt the butter in a pan and syrups, nuts and cream are added. Let the sauce simmer for about 2 minutes before it is poured over the ice.

Desserts (cold) Basil Juice of 1 lemon Syrup: (1/1) portion ...

Syrup: boil the mixture up and allow to cool. Granité: Boil the syrup and orange peel up. Add the tomato juice, Orange and lemon juice. Freeze in baking pan or similar. Basil strimles and individual bowls put on freeze. Scrape the flakes of tomato graniteen an

Cakes in form Cocoa Salt Syrup ...

The deep frozen pie bottom is put in the oven for about ten minutes, until it is lightly golden. Mix the butter, chocolate, a small nip salt and eight-moulded tablespoons cocoa in a bowl. Set the Bowl up a pan with a little water in and let mixture melt on low