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Recipes with Syrup

Candy Mars bar Syrup Rice Krispies ...

Melt barsbarrene in a pan and add the syrup. Pour in rice Krispies and pour onto a plate with wax paper, shape it like a cake and set in refrigerator for about ½ hour. Tips: Experiment with rice Krispies, perhaps there should be a little more, maybe a litt

Cookies Wheat flour Margarine Sugar ...

Margarine, sugar and syrup, melted together in a saucepan. Stir in flour and ginger. Dough will be honored on plates with teaspoons. The cakes should be the size of a 5 Crown and with good distance, since they float much out. Baking time: 4 – 5 minutes at 2

Cakes in form Salt Cocoa Syrup ...

To a roasting pan whip eggs with 6dl sugar 4hele. came in 150 g. rumstempered butter or margarine then stir 3 DL. flour mixed with white. cocoa, 2tesked vaniljsukker och 2krm, salt. com wax paper in baking pan and butter out cake dough, let the cake bake for 1

Cakes in form A good tablespoon of wheat flour Whipped cream Syrup ...

Peel and halve the 12 good Apples, cut Flower, stem and Kærnehus and cook them like the Compote with very little Water, Wine and Sugar. Butter a Gratinfad or a cake form well with Butter and have fun at Apple pieces in the dish with the heavily indkogte syr

Bread, buns & biscuits Roasted sunflower seeds Grahams Raisins ...

Stir the yeast into the water, and salt, syrup, raisins and Quark added. Stir in flour and most of the grahamsmelet in the dough. Knead the dough smooth, add if necessary. a little more flour and let it raise uncovered about 40 minutes. Knead the dough on a

Cakes in form Milk Syrup Grated nutmeg ...

Beat the first 7 ingredients (possibly in the mixer) thoroughly together. Term all the dry ingredients in the batter and stir it well. Then add the chopped nuts and raisins. Pour batter into 2 greased bread molds and bake the cakes at 190 degrees C for 1 ho

Bread, buns & biscuits Squash cooked to mush Salt Water or milk ...

Mix the flour and salt in a large dejfad. Stir the yeast into a little lukewarm water or milk. Warm the rest of the milk up with oil, for it is hand warm. Add the squash and syrup and let it all cool slightly. Com yeast and squash væden in the dry ingredients

Desserts (cold) Butter for baking Grated nutmeg Milk ...

Mix all ingredients and bake the pancakes. Served with warm syrup.