Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Syrup

Cookies Cold water Ground ginger Sugar ...

Stir in butter, sugar and syrup well. Mix the dry ingredients and knead the dough together on the table. Roll dough into 4 rods, approximately 40 cm. long. If the dough separates, it can be assembled with some drops of water. Put the bars on the plate with

Sauces Whipped cream Syrup White wine ...

Beat the egg yolks, white wine and sugar in a bowl over a water bath, linen cloth for the cream begins to tykne. Pipe piskefløden in.

Drinks (cold) Raisins Sugar Sugar sugar ...

Peel the lemons with a potato peeler. Remove the white layer and cut the lemons into slices. Put lemon slices and sugar in a large bowl. Boil the water and pour it into the bowl over the other ingredients. Let the mixture cool until it is lukewarm and add ferm

Cookies EVS. food coloring Carnations Eggs ...

Dough: Margarine, syrup and brown sugar melted in a pan, for it is not crunching longer (do not boil). Made for cooling. Spices and soda is stirred in with eggs and half of the flour. Let the dough rest until it is cold. Meanwhile made template of the Ch

Candy Cream Citric acid Vanila ...

Butter, cocoa, sugar, syrup and cream is stirred together and warmed over low heat and stirring occasionally, until it is lump free. It all boils over quick fire and stirring occasionally for about ½ hour to the thermometer shows 135 degrees, or a drop of stif

Cookies Syrup Strong coffee Ginger ...

Butter, sugar and syrup is heated to just below the boiling point, coffee and spices is added. Allow to cool completely, kneaded with flour and bicarbonate of soda and put cold ca. 2 hours. Deploying not too thin and set out for small hearts drawn on cotton

Cakes Half-peeled almonds Couverture chocolate Garnish ...

Syrup, sugar, and butter melted and cooled a little, stir with potash udrørt in the water, the spices and the chopped fruit Peel. Stir in the egg yolks, then the flour mixed with baking powder. Eventually reversed the stiff whipped egg whites in a large roasti

Cookies Carnation Cinnamon Potash ...

Butter, sugar and syrup to the boil. Potash, udrørt in 1 tbsp. hot water is added, and gradually stir spices and almonds in. When the mass is fairly cold kneaded flour in the dough is shaped into sausage and made cold (not in the refrigerator, it can get the d