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Recipes with Syrup

Bread, buns & biscuits Bageferment-grunddej Portion bageferment fordej Rye flour or rugsigtemel ...

Bageferment-fordej made 12-14 hours before the production of the final bread dough. 2 ½ dl water (about 37 ° C) incorporated in approximately 175 g whole wheat flour or spelt flour for a steady batter. Add ½ tbsp bageferment-grunddej, and who touched so th

Candy Salt Coffee cream Syrup ...

The butter is melted, and pour cream, salt, syrup and sugar. This boils up and need to simmer for ball test, IE. They pour 1 tsp of sugar mass down in a cup with cold water, and they can immediately trill sugar mass into a ball, is the mass boiled customize. S

Candy Salt Syrup Vanilla sugar ...

The sugar is melted in a pot or pan with high edges. Pour the cream in the shower up.-Pipes and let Cook for about 2-4 my. Add the other ingredients and let karamellen Cook to the regularly, thick and smooth. Pour now up in a square greased form where it is

Cookies Seville oranges Sukat Potash ...

Boil butter, dark brown sugar and syrup together in a saucepan. Add the spices. When it is cold Add flour, almonds, Seville oranges and sukat. Form to the rods, which added cold (in the refrigerator). Cut them into paper thin slices and bake at 170 degrees

Cakes Ground cinnamon Egg white Appeilsin reven need thereof ...

Melt the sugar and syrup with coffee in a saucepan. Stir the whole time. Stir the butter is soft. Pour the brine in the sugar little by little. Mix spices, lemon and orange peel in. Add flour and potasken that are touched off in cold water. Knead it all to a s

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Active dry yeast (6 gr) Oil ...

Water, yeast, salt, oil and syrup mix and rye flour is added. Wheat flour is added when needed. Stir if necessary. with hand mixer dough hooks attached. Raises the lunt and uncovered a couple of hours. Stir lightly and pour into the form. After raising 30 minu

Cookies Finely chopped sukat and Seville oranges should aftertaste Lemon juice and fintreven must thereof Baking powder ...

Syrup, butter and sugar are brought slowly to the boiling point. Taken by the fire, potash and salt stirred in taks. deer When it is chilled almost entirely by, touched the rest of the ingredients in except eggs and almonds. Finally, since it added the flour a

Mains Syrup Butter Roast pork without bones ...

Boil ribbenstegen in 50 min Take the legs off. The piece is cut into slices, Brown lightly on the forehead. Fold tortillaerne with a fried slice of meat and put them layered in a tray. Brushed with melted fat and warmed by 160 ° in approx. 20 min. Served ma