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Recipes with Syrup

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Syrup Cold butter ...

Set the oven at 250 degrees C. Put wax paper on the plate. Mix the flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. Now the butter in the flour Smulder. Use a pasta spoon and stir junket and syrup in the batter. Pour a little flour on the work surface and pul

Drinks (cold) Mature gooseberry Syrup Rubbing alcohol ...

Clean 1 liter of ripe gooseberry and put the berries in the bottle. 35 cl rubbing alcohol poured on, certain items must cover the berries. Style dark in four to five weeks before it is filtered. 3 dl sugar syrup is added and the bottles stand in some months.

Drinks (cold) Coriander Small cinnamon stick Clementines ...

Scrub the fruit and dry bald of a Clementine at 75 degrees for one hour. Put it in a glass with rubbing alcohol. Squeeze the juice out of the fruit, mix with certain items and add the syrup and spices. Let it soak for three months and si.

Mains Pepper Salt Small hvidkåls main ...

Cut the chicken into serving pieces. Cut the cabbage into fine strips. Com cabbage and chicken in a saucepan with sliced onions, syrup, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour broth into. Let it spin at low heat, covered, in 45-50 min. Taste right and serve it with who

Drinks (cold) Syrup Curacao in each tube Lime juice ...

Shake well with ice, strained into narrow glass finknust.

Drinks (cold) Pernod Lemon juice Syrup ...

Shake with crushed ice and filtered in wide glass.

Drinks (cold) Absinth Soda water Angostura bitters ...

Shaken vigorously and strained into cocktail glass. The French version is mixed as the above, which met three splashes Anisette.

Breakfast & brunch Syrup Salt Lemon grated to thereof ...

Got milk in a bowl and stir in the yeast out. Whisk the flour in at once and then the egg yolks, sugar, salt, vanilla and lemon peel. Beat the whites until stiff, and turn them into dough covered in the refrigerator. tune in about 2 hours. Pipe the dough gentl