Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sandwiches 1-2 tsp. sugar Together the beaten egg or milk Lukewarm water ...

Stir the yeast with lukewarm water. Mix fat and cold water. Pour it into the yolk. Add other ingredients. Bring the dough well together. Put the dough for raising for 30 minutes. Turn the dough down. Roll to a long sausage. Cut it into pieces with approx. 8-

Sides Chili (preferably ground) Pepper Salt ...

Remove the shell and the apple from the lawyers. Blind advokado, salsa, cream fraiche, garlic and lemon juice. Taste with chile salt and pepper along the way. Vola! A really good medium guacamole tips: Tip: save one of the binoculars and put it in the e

Soups Fresh chopped parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Peel all the vegetables and shake earthquakes, potatoes and onions in coarse tern. Cut carrots and celery into smaller pieces as they are longer to grow. Season all vegetables in olive oil in a pan until the bulbs are ready, add chicken stock, salt and p

Mains Bouillon Salt Cocktail sausages ...

Peel the potatoes and put them over without salt. Sprinkle the loaf of bread, cut it into big tern and brown them in a saucepan with good heat until the pieces have got a color. Cut the bacon into 1 cm big tern and put them into the pan until they are almost

Buffets A little freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice Should of 1 (usprøjtet not needed) lime or lemon Butter or oil for frying neutral taste ...

Whip the eggs together with the coconut milk. Sieve and whip flour and salt in a bit, alternately with water. Whip to the dough is smooth. Rip the outer of the citrus fruit on a fine grater and stir in the dough. (Do not throw the fruit but cut It in both and

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Bran Salt ...

Bring grahamsmel and bran in a bowl, pour the boiling water over. Stir the mixture together and let it stand for a day or night, covered with film and at the kitchen temperature. Then stir in the warm water and let the mixture be lukewarm before the yeast is

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Salt Yeast ...

The yeast is stirred in the lukewarm water. The other ingredients are added and the dough is thoroughly kneaded. Add optional Grahamsmel, but do not get too firm. The dough is covered and raises a loose place for approx. 30 min. Take the dough on the table

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Honey Cracked wheat ...

Crumble the yeast and mix with honey and salt. Stir yeast mixture into a little of the water. Add the rest of the water. Mix sunflower seeds, flax seeds and broken wheat and rye. Mix this in the dough. Add the flour and mix it to a loose dough. Save some fl