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Recipes with Salt

Mains Margarine for frying Pepper Salt ...

All ingredients are stirred together. The fathers are shaped with a tablespoon for suitable dents and cooked on the forehead. tips: Can be eaten with a delicious pasta salad. Dill can be replaced by other herbs. They are good at the food package the follow

Soups Chopped tomatoes Pepper Pores ...

Slice of leek and peppers fine. 2.Sweak curry in a pan and add leek and pepper with butter. Add salt, pepper, garlic and chopped tomatoes. 4.Add the soup for about 25 minutes. 5. Blend the soup and add the cream and warm through 6. Just before shrimps add

Mains Beef broth Paprika Pepper ...

Paste the casserole.The chops are cut into small tern and swirled on a pan together with the bacon in a little bit of fat. Beef is chopped with .Come meat bacon and onions in a pan and add chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, chinese soy, beef bouillon and pasta pa

Mains Dill Lobster pasta Salt ...

The mushrooms are cleaned, cut into slices and swirled in a little butter. The seafood mixture is boiled in white wine for 5 minutes and taken up. Mushrooms are served in the soup with flour and whipped cream. Add some lobster paste, let it boil well. Caref

Sides Freshly ground pepper Oil or liquid margarine for frying Juice of 0.5 lemon (preferably more) or lime ...

The tuna is really nice with a fork. Add the other ingredients and mix it all together to a "father". Heat a little oil or liquid margarine on a pan, form like plain meatballs and rose approx. 5 -6 minutes on each side, they should be brown and like with a lit

Mains Extra spices after own taste A little vegetable broth Margarine or oil ...

The chicken fillets are cooked on a deep pan, with a little oil or margarine. They should only be "lighted" so they do not get really brown. They just do not have to be raw. Onions, Garlic and. Peppers & amp; Mushrooms are chopped. Mushrooms can also just be i

Sides Spices/herbs Salt Eggs ...

Yeast is poured into lukewarm water. Garlic chopped well and stir in the gluten solution with egg, oil, salt and spices / herbs of your choice (eggs may be omitted). The flour is stirred and the dough is well kneaded (10 minutes in the stirrer approx.). Let th

Soups Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel the squash and tear it roughly. Let it boil in the water. Add salt and spices. Tear the carrots and potatoes roughly. Chop the loaf and let it boil for approx. 10 min. Bring chopped meat, chopped tomatoes, boulion cubes, salt, pepper and parsley. Simmer f