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Recipes with Salt

Sides Salt Duck fat Balsamic vinegar ...

The cabbage is cut to the desired size. Warm the froth up and simmer the cabbage by medium heat until it loses its agility. Add balsamic and cranberries and stir. The laurel leaves are added and the other spices minus salt are added. Let the red cabbage si

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Boil eggs until they are hard-boiled (10 min) and cool them off Arrow egg and chop them roughly Shake if necessary. Walnuts in a little oil and let them cool off Chop or crush the walnuts roughly Chop the basil and chives carefully Mix all the ingredients

Mains Milk Pepper Onion ...

The milk comes to the bottom of a refractory dish. Potatoes, squeezed garlic, finely chopped onions, salt and pepper are layered in the dish. Pour the cream over. The dish should be in the oven for 70 minutes at hot air. tips: The easiest is to buy froz

Mains Chili Curry Olive oil ...

All vegetables should be chopped or rubbed very fine to prevent the dips falling apart during frying. Tear the carrots as small as possible. That way, the "father" makes it easier to hang together because of the weather. Chop onions very well or tear the

Soups Chili A little oil Pepper ...

Peel pastas and earthquakes and cut them into small terns. Put them in a little oil in a saucepan without getting brown. Add the vegetable boullion and put it in a boil. Season with salt, pepper, thyme and chili. Let it simmer under cover for 30 minutes.

Mains Garlic pepper Pepper Salt ...

Bring tomato, corn and beans to a pan and bring to a boil. Remember to get all the water from the cans and add water if it starts to burn. Cut the rice bag and pour rice into the pan. Add well with spices and flavors. Let the dish boil under cover for

Receptions Salt Sugar Eggs ...

The margerine is melted in a saucepan, which is then taken from the heat, milk is poured in. The yeast is then rinsed in the milk-margerine mixture. The remaining ingredients are poured into a bowl and the milk-margerine yeast mixture is poured under stirring.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Grahams Wheat flour ...

Yeast crumbles in a large bowl. The liquid is added and stirring until the yeast is dissolved. Add salt, grahamsmel and wheat flour. Spread the dough together. Let it rise for 30 minutes. Form the balls and place them on a plate. Raise again for 45 minut