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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Green pumpkin seeds Oatmeal, finvalsede ...

The dry parts are mixed together before the liquid is added. The dough is divided into two parts Roll out the dough between 2 pieces of baking paper Cut the dough into squares before baking at 200 degrees for approx. 25 min. The crispbread must only be

Mains Mint, fresh Pepper Rosemary, fresh ...

Put some pockets in the lamb and fill half the garlic and rosemary pie. Make a marinade of lemon peel, lemon juice, lime juice, white wine, olive oil and possibly. Little mint. Put the lamb in a large freezer and pour marinade down to it. Close the bag well, p

Sandwiches Curry Oregano Pepper ...

The potatoes are boiled The potatoes are picked up and cut into small pieces Spice the potatoes with salt and pepper The potatoes are laid on the forehead Season the potatoes with curry The potatoes are now cooked on the forehead until they are crispy Se

Mains Pepper Vegetable broth Chopped tomatoes ...

Let the butter melt in a large pot, but without melting. Chop onions and garlic roughly and chop them in the butter for approx. 1 minute. Chop the carrots roughly and add them and the rest of the ingredients. Boil on low heat, under low pressure, for about 20

Sandwiches Salt Whipped cream ...

Whip the cream to the foam. Posk move to creme fraise. Bring the salt in. Whip on until it separates. Stop whipping. After about 15 minutes the trap begins to separate from the butter. Stop whipping. Squeeze the last whey out of the butter and put it in a cont

Appetizers Chopped dill or parsley Pepper Salt ...

Cut the stems of the mushrooms and chop them roughly. Chop the loaf and mix with the stems, brush them lightly and cool. Chop the eggs and mix with cremefraiche, dill and mushroom mixture and spices. With salt and pepper. Add dill. Slice the mushrooms in oil a

Appetizers White pepper A little olive oil Salt ...

Sauté finely chopped celery and carrot in a little olive oil. Add the cream and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and add the chives. Sprinkle spinach and squash and decorate it on the middle of a hot plate. Put the salmon on the spinach an

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Rinse and peel the potatoes Cut potatoes into smaller pieces Boil them tenderly in clean water, under the lid Cut red beans into cubes and place in a small bowl Cut the onions in slices Cut the apple into cubes Shake the bacon nuts crispy on a dry pan R