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Recipes with Salt

Sides Oil for deep frying Parsley Water ...

Low in a Bowl a dough of spices, chickpea flour (or chickpeas that have been pulverized in a blender) and water. The consistency should be like a little thick pandekagedej. You can easily increase the Spice amount if you are not afraid of strong food and it is

Mains White pepper Eggs Coarse salt ...

Tærtedej: Flour, Sesame and salt are mixed together. The butter is cut into thin slices and friable in meles with the fingertips. Water is added and the dough mixed to a thick dough. Let the dough rest 10 min. in the refrigerator. Roll the dough out on a light

Appetizers Lemon Dill, fresh Pepper ...

Thaw puff pastry up around my 15-20 so it can be rolled out. thaw spinach up. you share the salmon in 6 parts note Skinless roll 1 slice puff pastry out so that the ca will be 1/2 time bigger than it is, put 1 PCs salmon on the roof a little salt and pepper

Buffets Lemon juice Dijon mustard A few whole peppercorns ...

Bring lightly salted water to a boil with a few peppercorns, a few cloves and a snippet of lemon zest. Came the salmon slices in the Pan, still under full burner, and when the water starts to boil again: take the pan off and came a little splash of cold water

Salads Pepper Salt Red or green bell pepper ...

Cook tortellinien according to instructions on the bag and refrigerated the of in glacial water. Peberfrugten and sugar peas cut into smaller pieces. Mix in a bowl indgredienserne. Stir the dressing together and season it with salt and pepper. Pour dressing

Cakes in form Grated lemon zest + juice Grated nutmeg Salt ...

All the dry ingredients are mixed together. Oil, egg, carrot, pineapple and nuts stirred together next. The dry ingredients into cake batter, and stir thoroughly together for about 5 min. Butter a cake form or roasting pan with fat, or getting wax paper in

Sauces Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Pour væden from picklesen and chop vegetables finely. Bring the broth to a boil in a saucepan. Add the diced vegetable pickles and ravigotesauce and warm it through. Stir in butter and flour together to form a melbolle and stick it in the sauce. Let it s

Mains Ciabatta bread Pepper Salt ...

Pasta broccoli salad: Cook the pasta following the instructions on the package. Let broccolien cook with the last 2 minutes of cooking time. Let the pasta and broccoli in a colander drain away. FRY bacon and onions on a dry pan, it is respectively. crunchy and