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Recipes with Salt

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The spinach be thawed in a little butter in a pan, seasoned with salt and a little nutmeg and place in an ovenproof dish. Koteletterne sprinkled with salt and pepper, Brown on the forehead and placed on the spinach. The kvartede mushrooms Sauté in butter, to

Mains Pepper Pressed garlic after taste Rosemary ...

Bank snitslerne out, so they are getting so big and flat as possible, and sprinkle them with pepper (not salt, because salt is enough feta). Advantage of finely chopped onion, Rosemary and feta cubes on one half of each snitsel, fold the other half over and cl

Desserts (warm) Salt Beer Kernel milk ...

Chicken eggs, mix everything except flour into a bowl, stir it good together, and then add the flour. Fry the pancakes in liquid margarine, and enjoy them! Tips: A total of rosehip dessert!

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Leaf and bottom cut of rhubarb, and they cut into pieces and place in a saucepan with vinegar, sugar, pepper, a pinch of salt and a little tarragon, where after it is given a rehash (rhubarb must not boil, as they will be soft). Then allow the mixture to rest

Sides Margarine Salt to boil in Small onions ...

Cook pasta and drain. Arrow and finely chop the onion, sauté it browned in margarine. Add the cooked pasta, grated cheese, milk and salt to the onion. Mix it well, and let it cook quite a bit so that the milk is absorbed. Be careful it does not burn on. M

Mains Onion powder/løgtern as needed Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Put the water on to pasta. Sauté beef in a saucepan add the bolion and salt and pepper and onion and stir it around. So you add pureen and touches it well around so you'll come in with wetness and championen the glass with a g

Mains Chopped almonds Cook poge rice Oil ...

Boil the rice m. salt ell. buillon. When the rice is finished, let them stand and cool slightly so they are finger warm. Mix eggs, breadcrumbs, oil, almonds and onion and toss thoroughly. Form as the models with hands ell. two spoons and fry them. Tips:

Mains Cabbage leaves Herbs of your choice Salt ...

Pig de-fat with a sharp knife. Salt and a little water is stirred together into homogenous mass. Pour over cabbage leaves with a little boiling water and cooled immediately. On these leaves added herbs of your choice and then the loin, packed first in cabba