Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Share wind ruerne in half. The duck breast is cut into cubes on the skin side and added with the skin down on a hot pan without fat. Turn over when the skin was crisp and FRY finished at half sleep 8-10 min Pak into staniol so that they can drag with the fur-f

Desserts (warm) Eggs Baking soda Sour cream ...

It all, beat well together. Bake approx. 2 min in waffle iron.

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Came the cooked and still warm spaghetti in a greased, ovenproof dish. Saute the bacon in a pan and gently fry the Golden dice onions, carrots and celery in it. The meat came in and let it spin to it has changed color. Pour the tomato puree and broth in. Let t

Various Cooking oil Salt Water ...

the yeast is mixed in the lukne water. All other ingredients mixed into the dough and kneaded until it is smooth. Raises the bar for 30 minutes. Then roll the dough out into a thin layer. use a glass and press the small round pizzas out. Fill an activity of yo

Mains Jævning Salt Curry ...

Cut the meat into cubes and Brown it in half of the fat. Cut the cleaned Leek into slices. Peel the apples (remove core House) and cut them into small pieces. Saute the leeks, apples and Curry in the rest of the fat. Came the meat in the Pan and pour the broth

Mains Salt Oil Basillikum ...

set the oven at 225 degrees, scrape the potatoes, skæe them in slices and put them in a greased casserole dish, pour broth over. put the potatoes in the oven for about 30 mins. chip løgrt and Brown it in a slip easy Pan along with the minced meat. Add the chop

Lunch Pepper Salt Cremfaise 18% ...

pour the oil from the tuna, and the water from the corn it is important that all the liquid is gone otherwise will be right too thin. pour all of the ingredients together and season with salt and pepper ... I often make this right when I ik gidre do somethi

Sides Oil for brushing Milk Black pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Celsius. Scrub the potatoes. The potatoes evenly pricked with a fork, and then brushed with oil. Put the potatoes on a rack, and behind them approximately 1 ½ hour in the oven. Low filling while. Cut into cubes and chop the