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Recipes with Salt

Lunch Pepper Salt Coconut ...

Part chili oq føstol, seed oq sidevæqqe boxes. Cut the rest just fine. Make two holes in coconut oq pour the milk in a bowl. Smaq it with grated lime peel, lime juice, chili, pressed hvidløq oq salt oq pepper. Flip the shrimp in oq let them drag 10-20 min.

Lunch Pepper Salt Sour cream ...

The thawed spinach squeezed free of moisture oq qeoft chopped with a knife. Stir the spinach up with æqqeblommer oq q season with salt pepper. Beat the whites until stiff oq turn them into spinach mass along with grated cheese. Butter the mass out on a piec

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Brown beef in a frying pan, melt magarine in a pan, add the Curry and chilli. slice Leek apples and onion into small pieces and fry it all in a heat-proof success. dish sprinkle with salt and pepper. shredded tomatoes over the guilt of the Tin with a little wa

Sides Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Blend olive oil, garlic and Rosemary. Halve the tomatoes, cut the peppers into large cubes and squash into thick slices. Put the vegetables in a large buttered baking dish, drizzle with Herb oil, salt and pepper. Behind the vegetables 2 hours at 125 degrees c

Salads Lemon juice Desiccated coconut Salt ...

Grate the beetroot and carrots fine. Stir them together with raisins, nuts, oil, vinegar and garlic. Season with salt and sprinkle with desiccated coconut citon and. Tips: Super easy to make, delicious and healthy!

Cakes in form Salt Eggs Icing sugar ...

1. chocolate, butter, icing sugar and soda water. Mix in a bowl and set over a water bath, so it melts. It should be smooth. The oven must be preheated 180 degrees it can forsåles to turn on the oven when it is lame melted when it takes a nice long time. 2. f

Mains Potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Clean the chicken and Boil it in water for about 1 hour 20 min Add a little salt Potatoes, peeled, cooked approximately 25 min Blame the cucumber, cut it into cubes pour into a bowl Sour cream sauce Sour cream is poured into a bowl A little salt a

Cakes Chopped almonds Tesukker Lukewarm milk ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm milk, then stir together with wheat flour, fat, sugar, salt, cinnamon and eggs. The other ingredients work in for a slice of dough, which will be set to withdraw in a warm place for 15 minutes. While the dough is uplift to