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Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Chili and ik as little evt jalapeno chopped Jävning Pepper ...

skär guleröder and pore in spelling and blancer them (boiled easy) läg them to the page. soup up in potential flöde + jävning (must väre as a thin sauce) salt pepper and jalaerne (chili) cook it 2 my soup up in talerkenen a handful of shrimp in the middl

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Eggs Salt ...

Stir the yeast into the milk, the other parts are molded in. Dough kneaded well should. Formes to approx. 30 buns that attaches to the well oiled plates. Raises the bar on a warm place to double size. Bake at 250 degrees C for about 15 minutes Tips:

Mains Franskbröd Pepper Salt ...

skär bacon into cubes and fry it in slices and fry it skär champion with flöde came in salt and pepper (caution with salt pga bacon) cook for it is a good sauce it came on toasted French brod yummmi

Lunch Curry powder (to taste) Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes for about 1o-3o min. So let the potatoes cool of for about 3o min. Peel the potatoes, then cut them in both. Find a bowl. Mix sour cream, mayonaise and mustard together. Com karryen in sour cream mixture and then salt and pepper to tast

Soups White pepper Salt Fennel ...

Chop fennel, onion and garlic, and saute with coarse salt and pepper in oil in 20-30 minutes at low heat (don't branke). Add the ouzo and let it boil for a short add the peeled tomatoes, coarsely chopped Sun-dried tomato and bouillon and simmer in the outer le

Mains English sauce Pepper Salt ...

rose lög ta them by rose mörbrad böfferne ca 2 min on each side got them in a fire fixed dish came lögene on Cook flöde + cube spices came jalaerne and paprika in blend them with stick mixer boil up and häld the böfferne came over them in the oven at 175 degre

Mains English sauce Ketchup (abundant) Paprika powder (to taste ...

boil pasta rose lög ködfars tilsät spices häld flöden in Cook until it is thick like gravy (possibly jävning) came ketchup and English gravy in velbekommen Tips: not weight-loss food but super good male guf

Salads Pepper Salt Cup crème fraîche (18% FAT) ...

Getting water in a pan and add the salt. Please wait to water cooker and put the pasta in. (remember to turn down the heat) Cook the pasta finished. Pour the cooked up in a sieve or colander so that the water can run off. Then pour the pasta in a bowl an