Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Mint sprigs Pepper Salt ...

Sift flour, soda and salt in a mixing bowl and add the spices and fresh coriander. Mix it well together. Portion mixture into 3 portions in separate bowl. Stir onions in one bowl, Leek in the second, and cauliflower in the third. Com 3-4 tbsp. water into ea

Bread, buns & biscuits Suit Salt Wheat flour ...

Yeast in the lukewarm water well softened, salt added. Add the rest of ingredients and mix it well with whips or mixer about 10 mins. Pour batter into a greased form, smooth it out well, and style it to uplift in 4 hours. Bake the bread at 200 degrees c.

Mains Cooked rice Salt Tabasco sauce ...

Finely chopped onion and thinly sliced meat Brown and let boil about 5 minutes, add the kyrderrierne and garlic, simmer about 10 minutes. whip æggne the same, add the shrimp when they are hot stir æggemasen in (strong)! the cooked rice (warm) distributed on

Sides Salt Wheat flour Butter or margarine ...

Water and fat brought to the boil, wheat flour and salt added at a time, stir into the dough drop spoon and saucepan. The pot is taken by the fire and cools a bit of. Add the eggs one at a time, and the dough should gather themselves together into a uniform

Mains Bacon, diced Chicken into strips Paprika ...

Put the water on to boil and the pasta. Brown chicken in oil in a pan, add the bacon and onion. tilderefter tomato purré and stir well. Add the mushrooms, then slowly add the cream and cocktail sausages then paprika and let boil up; season with Salt and pep

Mains White pepper Salt Saffron ...

Stir the Saffron in the white wine and let it soak. Arrow the prawns. Fry the prawns in the oil until they are nearly finished and pull them off the forehead and squeeze half a lime over them. Chop the onion and garlic finely and saute them for the onion

Soups Pepper Salt Brocoli ...

brocoli, leek and potatoes peeled and cut into cubes/less pieces, covered by water and cooked tender -------------------- broth dice and add salt, pepper and cook with a few minnuter -------------------- Add the broth to the mixture too cheasy blinded T

Cold cuts Rough white pepper Oil Fresh salmon (preferably middle piece) ...

1. Skæer salmon through from the dorsal side, so there will be two halves. Rinse, dry and cut cfire fine. 2. Free the salmon strips for legs. Jack the knife just under benranden, and let the string close to the legs, so that as little laksekød mes as possible