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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Lukewarm water Cardamom Olive oil ...

Stir the yeast into a bit of lukewarm water. Stir in yeast, flour, salt, most of the oil and cardamom together. Then, add as much lukewarm water to the dough will be soft, but just not sticking. Be careful here that you don't skimp too much on the water, for

Cakes in form Butter to form Bitter almond Lemon ...

Soft sveskerne out overnight in water, with a couple of tablespoons. Sugar. Roof sveskerne up, take the stones out, and put them into a well-oiled springform. Sprinkle almonds over, or put an almond in each prune. Boil sugar water with the crack must of

Various Bread Ground pepper Salad ...

Beat eggs and water together. Chop the herbs and grate the cheese. Turn both parts in egg mixture, and season with pepper. Let it stand for 10 minutes. Grate pancettaen on a hot pan. Let the just "crumble" in thin strips. Place them on paper towels, when

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Form 4 patties of forcemeat and spiced with salt and pepper. Brown them in a frying pan. Peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them out. Put the steaks into a baking pan and all the vegetables and advantage between them. Sprinkle with salt and thyme and a litt

Salads Cucumber Lemon juice Alfalfa sprouts ...

grow your own sprouts in a germinating tray. Remember to rinse daily. mix the fresh sprouts with chopped cucumber and a dressing of lemon juice, oil and a little salt.

Salads Lemon juice Vinegar Green beans (haricoverter) ...

potatoes and beans cooked, cooled and cut into cubes. 2 cloves garlic, pressed and mix with a large spoon mustard and ½ dl of vinegar and a little lemon juice. the last is mixed with ½ dl oil and 1 teaspoon salt. pour over the vegetables. Tips: Nam nam

Lunch Pumpkin seeds Flax seed Wheat flour ...

You decide how much ... flour and dry yeast mix as needed. nuts and seeds are chopped in blender. mix the flour and grains and salt with hot water. Stir the dough with a spoon, let it only be supple and sejg. Let raise 1 hour and with a spoon and take adv

Mains Garlic after own taste Salt Curry ...

chop/slice the onion and garlic finely, peberfrugten must be cut into slices, and joined them in a saucepan, and add the olivien oil, Saute them, and got the chicken pieces in the Pan approximately 2-3 minutes at high heat, and turn down the heat pipe, add cre