Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Bacon, diced Bouillon Onion ...

Cook the noodles according to the directions on the package, dripping the good of and pour them in an ovenproof dish. Mix the ham in the noodles and sprinkle with plenty of cheese. Put in the oven for the cheese is melted. Can be extended with a tomato sau

Mains Pepper Reven should of 1 organic Lemon Juice of 1 lemon ...

Put lamb koteletterne in a freezer bag. Got crushed garlic, Rosemary sprigs, olive oil, lemon zest and pepper by. Let them soak in 2-3 hours. Roast lamb koteletterne on a hot pan in the oil that hangs at, preferably with a little garlic cloves and Rosemary

Mains Becel liquid Chopped herbs URf.eks. parsley, chives thyme or similar Hot tomato salsa ...

Form the meat into 4 equal-sized flat patties. Potatoes: Boil the potatoes until tender and turn them into plant margarine Becel and chopped herbs. Set those EVS. on skewers, which you can partake of. Cut the squash in half slices, bell pepper into cubes

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon, sliced ...

Sauté the bacon in the Pan ta ´ it of. Saute the kyllingefilleterne on the forehead, ta ´ them by. Saute the porrende on the forehead and let them get soft. Add kyllingefilleterne as well as the bacon. Add the bouillionen and cream. Let it stand and småsn

Mains Parmasan Pepper Salt ...

The spinach washed and stems removed. Please be careful with skyldningen! Under skyldningen boil spaghetti according to instructions on package. Sauté the garlic in the oil in a wok. The spinach is added along with salt, pepper and coriander. When the spin

Soups 18% sour cream Good bread Pepper ...

Peel vegetables and cut them into bite-sized pieces (not too big). Cut the pork tenderloin into small cubes and brown them in a large pan with a little oil. Take half of the tenderloin-first up again-they must be used for ornamental purposes by serving. Put th

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

Remove the coarsest membranes and tendons from the Hare. Cut and blow it into serving pieces, tag, if desired. the bones out of bove and clubs. Brown the pieces in several times. Put the meat in the Pan and add the white wine and as much broth, the meat is c

Lunch Cucumber Lime juice Pepper ...

Væden from the tuna is poured from Greek yogurt in a bowl, add the chopped onions, and lime juice. season with salt and pepper served on a plate, with the toasted bread, then must the salad on bread tunsalaten on the bread, garnish with tomato and cucumb