Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sauces 1-2 tbsp. vinegar Pepper Salt ...

Melt the butter and stir in flour, add broth, stirring little by little. Season with vinegar, salt, pepper and horseradish.

Mains A full-bodied Slaw salad and bread Pepper Abundant olive oil for brushing and frying ...

1. The eggplants skives in round slices (a) approximately 1-2 cm and brushed with oil and bake approximately 20 minutes at about 250 degrees in the oven until golden. 2. Courgetterne cut into 1-2 cm cubed and roasted lightly in oil. Tomato concentrate and w

Bread, buns & biscuits Almond flakes Butter to form Brown sugar ...

Heat the cream, honey, brown sugar for sugar and honey is melted (do not boil) Click aprik now and mix them together with the other ingredients in the liquid. came the liquid into the flour and stir it together. Pour the dough in a butter greased form sprin

Bread, buns & biscuits Melted honey for brushing Honey Salt ...

Dissolve the yeast in the milk and stir in the honey and almonds in 350 g. of flour in History. the mixture, stir it together and let the batter rest for half an hour. Then add the Quark, melted and cooled butter, salt and the rest of the flour and knead the d

Cakes Dark chocolate Sugar Buttermilk ...

Preheat oven to 220 degrees c. alm. oven. Sift flour, cocoa powder and salt together in a bowl. Chop the chocolate, but not too fine. Style it to the page. Share the butter into cubes and crumble it quickly into the flour. There may be nuggets back. Then

Cookies Salt Baking soda Vanilliestang ...

Turn on at 200 degrees. Chop the two slgs chocolate very rough. Crack vanillie Rod lengthwise and scrape the grains out. Stir in butter, sugar and vanillie well. Add the eggs and salt, and stir well. Sift flour and baking powder in the dough, and turn it in a

Mains Salt Sugar Potatoes ...

Preheat oven to 225 degrees C alm. oven. Put fish fillets in a baking dish. Squeeze the garlic. Mix the garlic, lemon juice, soy, sugar and salt in a small bowl. Stir in olive oil and pour vinaigretten over heleflynderfileterne. Bake the fillets in th

Cakes Salt Bicarbonate of soda Baking soda ...

Sugar and oil stirred together, the eggs are whisked in a at a time, then mix the dry ingredients and pour/stirred together with grated carrot. Pour into baking pan and bake at 23x33 cm. 185 degrees for 45 minutes. Cheese cream: cream cheese, butter, pow