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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Squash and onion cut into thin slices and place in a ovenproof dish. Mix the beef with salt, pepper, oatmeal and milk. It is formed into 4 steaks, which are baked on a dry forehead and placed in the dish. Mushrooms are cleaned, cut into quarters and shak

Mains A little butter A little ground nutmeg Pepper ...

Boil the onions tenderly in the butter. When ready, add sliced ​​mushrooms with mussels and wine. The mussels are cooked quite weak in the wine for approx. 5 minutes. Mussels and mushrooms are picked up with a casserole and divided into shells, small portion s

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Oil, chopped garlic, lemon juice and finely chopped herbs are mixed and the salmon is marinated in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes. The vegetables are cut into strips (choose like peppers of different colors), sautéed in butter and season with salt

Mains Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Chopped onions and half-mushrooms in a pan with a little butter for approx. 1 minute. Add white wine and fish fund and let it boil. In the pan are rolled plaice fillets spiced with salt and pepper. Let the rolls boil for 1 minute, take the saucepan off and

Mains A couple of tablespoons. whipping cream A little curry powder Salt ...

Cut the fish in 8-10 cm long pieces, with or without legs. Turn the fish pieces into a mixture of rasp, flour, curry and a little salt. Warm plenty of butter on a warm forehead and stir the fish for 3-4 minutes on each side for good warmth. They must be cri

Mains Garlic Gorgonzola Olive oil ...

Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry mushrooms in slices approx. 5 min. Add the pressed garlic and turn another 5 min. Stir cream in. Boil and cook for 1 min. Stir Gorgenzola i. Heat gently until the cheese melts. Do not boil. Add salt and pepper and mix wit

Mains Water Oil Sour cream 18% ...

The aubergines are cut in cm. Thick slices along and sprinkle with a few teaspoons. Salt and then pull for 1 hour. Then they are lightly pressed, so some of it bitters as well as coming out. Sauté is then gently golden in olive oil - it takes approx. 15 minute

Sauces Salt Sugar Pepper ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Sauter (brush them tender) into the fat without brining. Add wine, cream and broth. Squeeze garlic sauce and mix with mustard and estragon, after which this is also added. Let the sauce simmer over excessiv