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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Soy sauce Parsley, fresh Butter ...

Roughly ground mushrooms are shaken on a dry forehead until the liquid is almost evaporated. The coarse-walnut walnuts squeezed garlic in. The mixture is cooled. Parsley Butter: The parsley is chopped and stirred with the butter. The bristles are polish

Mains Jævning Suit Soy sauce ...

The blackberries are polished for seniors. A deep groove is cut in the meat, which is slightly folded and knocked lightly. The coarsely chopped mushrooms are shaken on a dry forehead until the liquid is almost evaporated. Roughly ground walnuts are mixed in

Mains Mixed herbs Pepper Salt ...

Dried calf butterbone: Calf butter brune off. The turkey sauce is mixed and stirred with whipped cream, egg whites, cognac and salt and pepper, (a little at a time). Finally, the pistachios are turned in. The fat grid is spread out on a table on which the fath

Mains Pepper Salt Bell Peppers. canning ...

Cut the meat and brown it on the forehead. Cut a pocket from one end and almost completely. Chop peppers, champions and corn, and season them on the forehead, cool and mix with cheese, eggs and rasp. Fill it in your pocket. Sew or close with meat needles

Mains Lemon Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

The meat is freed for tendons and hinders, cut into slices of approx. 2 cm thick, knocked. The fat is brown, the steak is roasted about 3 min. On each side and sprinkle with salt and pepper, then boil the pan with a little water. Sprinkle on a slice of lemo

Mains Fresh basil Pepper Salt ...

Cut a pocket in the darkness horizontal, turkey breast, egg and cream and mix with basil, salt and pepper. The fathers are sprayed into the pocket and closed with a toothpick. Bring the steak on a hot pan and put it in the oven approx. 15 min at 180 degrees in

Mains Corn oil Pepper Salt ...

If the morkels are dried, they are soaked for approx. 2 hours in the port wine. If the morkels are fresh, they are cooked with the sauce. Heat corn oil on a pan, brown sirloin piece on all sides with good heat. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the mea

Mains Olive oil Pepper Onion ...

The meat is cut into strips. At the same time, the oil is heated on the forehead, the forehead must be very hot. The meat is brined on the forehead for 3-4 minutes, preferably pouring from the forehead a few times along the way. Season the meat with salt and p