Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leeks

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Leeks, onions and carrots cleaned and cut into slices. Celery/parsnip/parsley root peeled and cut into cubes. Salsify roots peeled off (immediately before use, otherwise they must be laid in vinegar water and rinsed before use) and cut into 2 cm long pieces. L

Salads A little lemon zest Lemon juice and a bit of shell Honey ...

Make carrot and Leek in a position. Cut the vegetables into smaller pieces. Steam them crisp-tender. Boil the whole oats according to instructions on package-add salt and lemon peel-or until it is tender and pleasant to bite into. Let vegetables and grain cool

Salads Iceberg-and friséesalat Herbs Oil ...

Jerusalem artichokes peeled and cut into cubes in thin slices. Port wine and oil whisked together, and the discs are changed in the dressing. Jerusalem artichokes seasoned with salt and pepper and made cold a few hours. Leeks, celery and carrots peeled and cut

Mains Pepper Salt Lukewarm water ...

Pancakes The water to the boil. Sprinkle corn flour in, stir until it is a quite stiff porridge. Stir the butter in and style it, until it is just lukewarm. Udrør the yeast in half the dl. water, it came in and knead it all together thoroughly. Add the flour

Mains Minced parsley Cranberry Compote turnips in Cranberry Compote Olive oil ...

Boil the potatoes until tender in water without salt. Clean the leeks and cut them into long slanting slices. Saute them in olive oil with thyme for high heat for a few minutes. Turn down, put a lid on and steam the pores tender in their own juice, ca. 10 min.

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Sift flour and salt into a bowl. Rub the butter in until the mixture is grainy. Knead it with just as much water, the dough sticks together. Deck the to and style the cold for 30 minutes. Roll it out into a circle slightly larger than a 20 cm. form. Prick d

Mains Salt Thyme and Bay leaves as needed Rosemary ...

Animal back subordinated for tendons, fat and impurities. Tenderloin, as is the underside of the back, cut off and cooked for themselves. In the very back loosened the meat a little bit with a sharp knife, and pins in the side scraped too loose meat. Animal ba

Base recipes Pepper Salt Parsley root ...

Wash meat and bones in cold water, getting both parts in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring it slowly to the boil and foam soup a few times. Do the vegetables and cut them into coarse cubes. Got soup and vegetables may in the soup. Boil the soup appr