Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Egg for brushing EVS. quite a bit of sugar Pepper ...

Possibly. Hamper the meat and cut the fillet for at least 3 hours in the whipped marinade. The meat is taken up, wiped and browned in a saucepan of butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper and roast slightly under lid, 20 min. For deer, approx. 35-40 min. For

Mains Cut dill Pepper Salt ...

The chicken, if any. Thawed, handed out in porridge pieces. In a frying pan letbrune the butter, the crushed garlic and the chicken pieces are brune, season with salt and pepper and gradually put into a saucepan. The diced tomatoes with the broth and broth are

Mains 1 or 2 less pheasants A little parsley Meljævning ...

The pheasants are cleaned and filled with the ham cut into cubes, chopped onion, parsley, salt, pepper and basil. The bird closes with a toothpick. Then broth in butter, season with salt, pepper and fry with onions in slices and carrot in cubes and add broth a

Mains Pepper Salt Turkey on 4.6 kg ...

Remove the turkey from the turkey and rinse well. Sprinkle it with salt on the outside. Mix breadcrumbs, bacontern, berries and parsley in a bowl. Stir whipped cream, salt and pepper into the mixture. Pump the mixture into the turkey and close with the mea

Soups Broth Chili powder Oil ...

Potatoes and carrots are sautéed in oil. Tomatoes, broth, chili and paprika are added and the soup cooks under low for about 15 minutes until potatoes and carrots are tender. Maize and cream are added and the soup boils for another 5 minutes. Season with ch

Soups Fresh basil as needed/taste Oil Pepper ...

Add the onion and garlic to a little oil in a pan until the onions are ready. Broth poured at. Cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes, basil, salt and pepper are added. Boil for 15 minutes under the lid. The soup is blended with a spelled blender until it has a n

Mains Margarine Curry Salt ...

Bring margarine and pepper into a saucepan and make it crispy. Stir onion and meat here until the meat falls apart. Add carrots and cabbage and simmer for 2 minutes. Then bring the rest of the ingredients into the pan and cook the dish for about 20 minutes

Mains Broth Pepper Salt ...

Remove if necessary. Fat and tendons from the meat. Peel potatoes and cut them into slices. Pil onion and cut them into slices. Cut the meat into small thin slices. Put the onions in a little butter on a pan. Then brown the meat. Put onion, meat and potatoe