Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Fresh chopped chives Freshly ground black pepper Cold butter balls ...

Brine: combine the ingredients and cook them for about 5 min. Cool well before use, like in the 24 hours before use. Bed sheet can be used over and over again, if stored in the refrigerator in a scalded container. Cut the beef into large cubes ad ca. 1.5 x

Cold cuts Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

Cut packed into strips and boil it for about 5 minutes in 8 dl. water with thyme, Bay leaves and crushed pepper. Tag packed up and let it cool slightly. Run the hereafter together with liver, anchovy, onion, thyme and bay leaf (e) through the mincer and pip

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

The beans are put to soak in ample water overnight (12 hours). Iblødsætnings the water poured out and the beans cooked in salted water, again plentiful, until they are barely tender-each kind separately. Rinse thoroughly in cold water. The onions cut int

Mains Finely chopped lemon zest Be from 1 lemon Finely chopped carrot ...

Cut one of the onions in slices. Heat the oil and Brown the meat along with the onions. Remove the meat from the pan. Notch the second onion and pour it into the Pan along with the celery, carrot and garlic. Sauté for about 5 minutes until the vegetables ar

Cold cuts Salt Water Kalvebov or shoulder of pork ...

Pig head washed and brushed with dry salt. Eyes, ear and nose times removed. Head out in salt water overnight, after which it again brushed and rinsed in several hold water. The head be in abundant cold water, salt and Bay leaves. When the head has cooked a

Sides Olive oil Vinegar Salt ...

Rinse and dry the tomatoes well and cut them into smaller pieces. Got them in a saucepan with the other ingredients and let them boil gently, covered, for 40 min. Stir occasionally so they do not burn. Remove the Bay leaves and thyme stems, and fits the mixtur

Sides Dill stems Pepper Salt ...

Cut the stems and blanch the cfire from 20 seconds. Direct cold water came in. Drip. Sprinkle the herring fillets with a little chopped onion, dill, salt and pepper. Scroll from the head towards the tail, and set the wheels a little uncomfortably in a form.

Soups Salt 2 g per litre water. Timiam Herbs: carrots, celery, leek ...

Game remains, place in saucepan with veal broth, water, salt and boil up. don't stand and rumble Cook, but Cook slightly, there will be some impurities to the top they must be removed with a slotted spoon or similar. The herbs cut into cubes 3 x 3 cm, onions i